Testseek.com have collected 229 expert reviews of the Apple AirPods Max and the average rating is 82%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Apple AirPods Max.
December 2020
229 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
480 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Kualiti audio yang dikenali peminat Apple
Selesa di kepala dengan fabrik sulaman unik
Rekaan premium
Unik dan ada kelas
Sistem ekosistem yang menarik dan memuaskan
The editors didn't like
Tidak boleh dimatikan
Fungsi menarik terhad kepada pengguna Apple
ANC hanya mematikan hingar di frekuensi rendah
Tidak boleh dilipat untuk kemudahan disimpan
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Published: 2021-01-15, Author: Anthony , review by: audiophilia.com
Abstract: No company takes as much flack for even the merest misstep as Apple. It's like the social media universe is poised for another ‘battery-gate', ‘keyboard-gate', or ‘bend-gate' (not forgetting brand new ‘condensation-gate' attached to these headphones). I g...
Abstract: Apple 在去年底驚喜推出謠傳已久的首款耳罩式耳機 AirPods Max,從正式發表以來到近日國內外媒體評測相繼出爐後,就受到不少消費者的熱烈討論,不論是外型設計、重量配置、降噪功能、通透模式、空間音訊、實際配戴與售價上,都有不少正反兩面的評價。小編也在近日拿到全新的 Apple AirPods Max,將從各個層面的實際體驗,來為各位分析這款 Apple 所推出的首款無線耳罩式耳機,就讓我們繼續看下去。 ▊從外箱開始就真的很『大』 外箱包裝(正) 外箱包裝(背) 先說小編入手的 A...
音響市場上傳統以來已經有不少著重音質的有線耳機,到今時今日頭戴式耳機已成為了消費性市場的一般受歡迎產品,採用藍牙無線連駁,方便易用。作為一款消費性耳機,AirPods Max 的造工用料可用「超卓」來形容,其設計都以用家實際使用作為出發點,解決了好多一直以來使用頭戴式耳機所面對的問題。除了要用設計較為特別的耳機套、耳機本身重量有 384.8g,還有用家一定要購買原廠耳機線之外,幾乎沒有挑剔之處。但也要留意返,其實懂得欣賞 Apple 的設計美學,還有對於 Apple 各種 AirPods 使用體驗(如連接...
Prachtig afgewerkt, Klinkt subliem, Market-leading ANC, Zeer comfortabel, Spatial Audio is indrukwekkend
Weinig geschikt buiten het Apple ecosysteem, Zeer prijzig voor het segment, Geen hardcase
Uitstekende afgewerkte en extreem comfortable headset, met een wijde soundstage en de beste ANC die momenteel op de markt is. Integreert heel mooi in het Apple ecosysteem, maar is daarbuiten lang niet zo ideaal. Gezien de hoge prijs daarom slechts een aan...
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Published: 2021-01-07, Author: Jason , review by: macwelt.de
Sind die AirPod Max die besten kabellosen Kopfhörer mit Geräuschunterdrückung, die Sie kaufen können? Für diejenigen, die sich auf das Apple-Ökosystem verlassen, ja. Sie bieten eine gleichwertige oder sogar etwas bessere Klangqualität als ihre Konkurrente...
Published: 2021-01-06, Author: Jason , review by: pcworld.co.nz
Abstract: Apple's latest expansion of the AirPods brand is a set of large over-the-ear wireless headphones. The AirPods Max look great, sound great, and are quite comfortable despite their heavy weight. They're also $549, a difficult price to justify when the compe...
Pretty, clean design, Outstanding sound clarity and detail, no distortion, iCloud device pairing is always convenient, No on/off — they are always ready for use, Best Transparency Mode on the market,
Hardware controls are in an awkward spot, Not the strongest noise cancellation out there, EQ is kind of bland and bass-heavy. Basically no user control over EQ, The case is just not a case, Price-to-value ratio is arguable
Published: 2021-01-05, Author: Jason , review by: macworld.com
Abstract: AirPods Max deliver in the audio department, and are some of the best-designed and built consumer headphones you can buy. But they cost way more than is justified, especially as they don't include a proper case nor a 3.5mm audio cable. Apple's latest exp...