A versão mais acessível do Watch 2 é a feita de alumínio (com caixa de 38mm), e custa US$ 369 no exterior - quase 1/2 iPhone 7 de preço.A parte boa desse produto é que ele está mais rápido que a geração passada, traz GPS integrado, recebeu melhorias no Di...
Abstract: Apple Watch Series 2が発売して、10日ほどが経った。筆者も38mmのステンレススチールモデルを発売初日に入手し、四六時中身に付けているが、特にGPSの搭載は想像以上にいいので使い心地をお伝えしていきたい。すこし復習にはなるが、初代Apple Watchは、Apple初のウェアラブルデバイスとして一定の評価を得た。しかし、GPS未搭載であったがゆえ、ランニングやサイクリングの経路情報等を記録するには、iPhoneを携行する必要があり、多くのユーザーからは不満の声が聞かれた。■初代Appl...
There is a great deal to like about the new Apple Watch. You can use it more widely, it has become far more independently useful even without an iPhone, and the new fitness tracking, GPS and water resistance make it the world's most advanced fitness track...
The Series 2 Apple Watch isn't the revolutionary upgrade some folks were hoping for, and that's okay. Much as I would have loved a watch with cellular connectivity, I was much more in need of a watch with impressive battery life and speed improvements. An...
A versão mais acessível do Watch 2 é a feita de alumínio (com caixa de 38mm), e custa US$ 369 no exterior - quase 1/2 iPhone 7 de preço.A parte boa desse produto é que ele está mais rápido que a geração passada, traz GPS integrado, recebeu melhorias no Di...
Abstract: The Apple Watch Series 2 has a few new tricks up its sleeve, but will you want to wear it on yours? While its processor, display and interactivity make it impressively capable, the new Apple Watch remains a sleek gizmo without a killer app. The updated sm...
Published: 2016-09-27, Author: Валерий , review by: 3dnews.ru
Abstract: Apple была не первым производителем на рынке смарт-часов, однако выход Apple Watch более года тому назад стал сигналом о том, что устройства этой категории пора воспринимать всерьез, а не исключительно как игрушку для гиков. Создатели Apple Watch смогли о...
If you don't own an Apple Watch, Series 2 is the one to buy if you're serious about exercise. If you don't swim and have no need for GPS, Series 1 is cheaper at $269 and has the Series 2's powerful processor (though it's missing that second-gen, ultra-bri...
Read more Apple iPhone 7 review: Good-but-expensive If you don't own an Apple Watch, Series 2 is the one to buy if you're serious about exercise. If you don't swim and have no need for GPS, Series 1 is cheaper at $269 and has the Series 2's powerfu...