El Apple Watch es un reloj inteligente compacto y hermosamente construido. Está repleto de funciones, tiene un sólido software para medir actividad, cientos de apps y la capacidad de recibir llamadas vía un iPhone.
La batería apenas dura un día y el tiempo de recarga es lento; la mayoría de los modelos y configuraciones cuestan más de lo que deberían; requiere de un iPhone 5 o más avanzado para funcionar; la interfaz puede ser muy confusa; a veces es lento para comu
El ambicioso Apple Watch es uno de los wearables más llenos de apps que he visto; pero las fallas de esta primera generación hacen que se sienta más como un juguete que como una herramienta....
Abstract: Pharrell Williams ha già il suo Apple Watch . Il cantautore e imprenditore statunitense ha messo in mostra il nuovo wearable di Apple durante il programma televisivo “The Voice US”.Non si tratta del modello standard ma della variante Edition con cinturino...
Abstract: The reviews are in, and everyone loves the Apple Watch ! Wait, actually, there have been some pretty mixed reviews of Apple's first wearable device. Beneath a thick layer of WOW! in the early reviews often lies confusion and even disappointment in some as...
Beautifully constructed. Handles messages well. A solid fitness tracker. Hundreds of apps. Can send and receive voice calls via an iPhone. Lots of design choices. Apple Pay-enabled. Stores music for local playback over Bluetooth
Battery only lasts a little more than a day. Most models and configurations cost more than they should. Requires an iPhone to work. Interface can be confusing. Many apps load slowly. Lacks built-in GPS
The Apple Watch is the most ambitious, well-constructed smartwatch ever seen, but first-gen shortfalls make it feel more like a fashionable toy than a necessary tool....
Beautifully constructed. Handles messages well. A solid fitness tracker. Hundreds of apps. Can send and receive voice calls via an iPhone. Lots of design choices. Apple Pay-enabled. Stores music for local playback over Bluetooth
Battery only lasts a little more than a day. Most models and configurations cost more than they should. Requires an iPhone to work. Interface can be confusing. Many apps load slowly. Lacks built-in GPS
The Apple Watch is the most ambitious, well-constructed smartwatch ever seen, but first-gen shortfalls make it feel more like a fashionable toy than a necessary tool....
Beautifully constructed. Handles messages well. A solid fitness tracker. Hundreds of apps. Can send and receive voice calls via an iPhone. Lots of design choices. Apple Pay-enabled. Stores music for local playback over Bluetooth
Battery only lasts a little more than a day. Most models and configurations cost more than they should. Requires an iPhone to work. Interface can be confusing. Many apps load slowly. Lacks built-in GPS
The Apple Watch is the most ambitious, well-constructed smartwatch ever seen, but first-gen shortfalls make it feel more like a fashionable toy than a necessary tool....
Abstract: The early reviews for the Apple Watch are in and while there's a general consensus that the device is the best smartwatch ever made, there seems to be some apprehension about just how much of a positive that really is. Beloved gadget reviewer Marques Brow...
Abstract: The early reviews for the Apple Watch are in and while there's a general consensus that the device is the best smartwatch ever made, there seems to be some apprehension about just how much of a positive that really is. Beloved gadget reviewer Marques Brow...
Abstract: The Apple Watch puts the iPhone in its proper place—your pocket.I've got a utilitarian view of the year's most-hyped piece of bling. Sapphire crystal and $10,000 gold alloy aren't what make the Apple Watch the first smartwatch worth buying.What's valuable...
Abstract: Wir erwähnten bereits in den letzten Tagen, dass bald die Apple Watch-Reviews durch die Fachpresse aufschlagen sollten, Apple verteilt Samples bei jeder Produktvorstellung und kurbelt damit erneut die Werbetrommel an. Wir haben die aktuellsten Artikel in...