Abstract: Come si può vedere nel titolo foto qui sopra con un Apple Watch del 2015 per il confronto, il Watch è rimasto invariato come forma e le dimensioni attuali sono identiche al modello dell'anno scorso. Le nuove caratteristiche accattivanti sono i nuovi color...
Review: Apple Watch Series 6Hacer y recibir llamadas telefónicas, pagar, escuchar música, descargar aplicaciones populares de la tienda de aplicaciones: el Apple Watch tiene muchos beneficios. Sin embargo, ¿es justificable el cambio a la nueva Serie 6 si...
Abstract: Welterusten. Na wat leek op eeuwige rust is Apple eindelijk wakker geworden en bevrijd. De nieuwe functie voor het volgen van de slaap is ook beschikbaar voor oudere modellen, terwijl de nieuwe functie voor het volgen van de zuurstofverzadiging afhankelij...
Em revisão: Apple Watch Series 6Fazer e atender chamadas telefônicas, pagar, ouvir música, baixar aplicativos populares da loja de aplicativos - o Apple Watch tem muitos benefícios de fato. Entretanto, a mudança para a nova Série 6 é justificável se você...
In review: Apple Watch Series 6Making and taking phone calls, paying, listening to music, downloading popular apps from the app store - the Apple Watch has many benefits indeed. However, is switching to the new Series 6 justifiable if you already own an o...
Abstract: Apple have launched two watches at the same time which are Watch Series 6 and Watch SE. So what are the differences between these two watches? The starting price of the Watch Series 6 is RM1799 and the Watch SE is RM1199. Apple have added 2 new colour va...
Im Test: Apple Watch Series 6Telefonieren, Bezahlen, Musik hören, geliebte Apps aus dem Store nachrüsten - vieles spricht für die Apple Watch. Doch lohnt sich ein Umstieg auf die Series 6 auch für diejenigen, die bereits eine ältere Apple Watch besitzen...
Very accurate activity tracking, SpO2 Sensor delivers accurate metrics, Smart capabilities are near perfect, Charges in just 90 minutes
Battery life limited to 18 hours, Fitness stats missing granular detail
The Apple Watch Series 6 is powered by the new S6 SiP and offers new hardware and software features. You get a brand new SpO2 sensor for blood oxygenation levels and VO2 MAx readings from workouts. Thanks to the new SiP we also get fast-charging of the Ap...
Published: 2020-11-04, Author: Николай , review by: ixbt.com
Главное аппаратное новшество Apple Watch Series 6 — появление пульсоксиметра. Причем пока это единственные часы на рынке, в которых измерение количества кислорода в крови производится автоматически, в фоновом режиме.Наше тестирование показало, что часы де...
Published: 2020-11-02, Author: Erik , review by: Mobil.se
Abstract: Apple Watch är en kombination av funktioner som du aktivt använder och hälsodata som klockan samlar in och som vi nog alla hoppas att du inte ska behöva använda dig av. Oregelbunden hjärtrytm till exempel eller blodets syresättning vill man ju inte ha nyt...