Display davvero ben leggibile, Ricarica migliorata, Qualità costruttiva,
Manca l'alimentatore in confezione, Nessun miglioramento a livello di prestazioni e autonomia,
CRESCE DI 1 MILLIMETRO, MA IL DESIGN CAMBIA POCOPrima di concentrarmi sulla novità principale, il display, mi soffermo un attimo sul design di questo Watch Serie 7. La differenza con i modelli precedenti - il 6, ma anche il 5 e il 4 - sta soprattutto nell...
Abstract: 2021年10月15日(金)に発売されたApple Watchの最新モデル「Apple Watch Series 7」を実際に使い、大画面化したディスプレイや高速充電機能などを試してみました。 Apple Watch Series 7 - Apple(日本) Apple Watch Series 7の外観デザインがどんな風になっているのかは、以下のフォトレビューをチェックすればわかります。 「Apple Watch Series 7」速攻フォトレビュー、本体サイズはほとんど変わらず大画面に進化してあらゆ...
Published: 2021-10-24, Author: Magnus , review by: gamereactor.no
Abstract: Hvis det er ett produkt fra Apples som virkelig kan klandres for å ha introdusert små, tilsynelatende ubetydelige forbedringer gjennom årene, er det uten tvil Apple Watch. Ja, den nyeste Apple Watch er alltid best, men forskjellen mellom dem, og dette gje...
Größerer, hellerer Bildschirm, Lädt bis zu 33% schneller im Vergleich zur Watch Series 6, IP6X-zertifziert: Wasserdichtigkeit plus jetzt auch Staubschutz
Nichts Neues, aber: Apple Watch funktioniert nur mit iPhone
Die Apple Watch Series 7 ist kein mutiger, nächster Schritt. Sie ist Evolution statt Revolution. Und das ist auch gut so, pflegte ein Berliner Bürgermeister mal zu sagen. Denn die Apple Watch Series 7 vereint alle Innovationen der letzten Jahre und merzt...
Published: 2021-10-23, Author: Matthew , review by: T3.com
Bigger screen, smaller bezels,Fast to charge,Very slick to use,Easy health & fitness features,
Battery life is still 1 day, Sleep tracking still weak, Limited for hardcore fitness users,
The Apple Watch Series 7Reasons to buy+Bigger screen, smaller bezels+Fast to charge+Very slick to use+Easy health & fitness featuresReasons to avoid-Battery life is still 1 day-Sleep tracking still weak-Limited for hardcore fitness users...
Abstract: 2021年10月15日(金)に発売された「Apple Watch Series 7」は、ケースサイズが大きくなりディスプレイもよりベゼルが小さな大画面のものに進化しています。実際これまでのApple Watchと比べてSeries 7はどんな風に見た目が変化したのか気になったので、過去モデルと比較してみました。 Apple Watch Series 7 - Apple(日本) 以下は左からApple Watch Series(38mmケース)、Apple Watch Series 2(42mmケース)、...
Wer sich nach einem Nachfolger seiner Apple Watch 3 oder älter umschaut, sollte zur Series 7 greifen. Die Series 6 ist erstaunlicherweise im Preis nicht so richtig gesunken, obwohl Apple sie aus dem Angebot genommen hat. Vor allem die Schnellladefunktion...
Fast charging speeds, Noticeably larger display, A feature-packed software experience
Same 18-hour battery life, No new sensors
The Apple Watch Series 7 doesn't do a whole lot different to its predecessor, but it still has everything that an iOS user would want from a smartwatch, including Siri support, a range of customisable watch faces, a strong ecosystem of watchOS apps and ti...
Abstract: The Apple Watch Series 7 might just be the perfect smartwatch. Sorry to give the game away this early, but there are no secrets or surprises here — and that's a good thing. A smartwatch should be an extension of your smartphone, yet also needs to be able...