Abstract: Apple 終於在上月 20 號迎來 New AirPods 的更新,雖不像傳言中推出黑色款式,但全新 Apple H1 耳機晶片驅動、無線充電盒,以及可直接用語音呼叫 Siri 語音助理等,即便更新幅度不大,不過對於實際使用來說,還是有一定的幫助。Apple New AirPods 尚未在台灣上市,小編利用出差的機會,在美國當地入手,本文則是要跟各位進行開箱與更新功能的分享。 Apple New AirPods 的外盒包裝跟上一代完全相同,外盒上的產品照片為立體質感,唯一能辨別的就是在包裝底部的產品名稱...
Abstract: Apple AirPods 2 inceleme videosu ile karşınızdayız. Bu videomuzda ilk nesli kısa sürede dünyanın en çok satan kablosuz kulaklığı olma özelliğine sahip AirPods'un ikinci neslini mercek altına alıyoruz.Apple AirPods 2 kutu açılışı videosuyla karşınızdayız...
Light, familiar fit, Pleasing audio quality, Useful gestures, Siri voice activation, Very good battery life
Somewhat weak bass, No passive isolation, Not a big update over first-gen AirPods,
The new AirPods are priced slightly higher than the originals in India, at Rs. 14,900 for the version sold with the standard charging case. If you go with the wireless charging case like the unit we have, this will set you back by Rs. 18,900. If you have...
Published: 2019-04-20, Author: Gia , review by: vnreview.vn
Abstract: Thành công của AirPods là không cần phải bàn cãi: một nghiên cứu do Counterpoint thực hiện cho biết mẫu tai nghe này đã giúp Apple chiếm tới 60% thị phần tai nghe True Wireless. Có lẽ bởi vậy mà AirPods 2019 không mang đến thay đổi đáng kể nào về mặt thiế...
Abstract: De oordoppen van beide fabrikanten hebben veel gemeen. Zo zijn ze allebei volledig draadloos (ook geen koord in de nek) en worden ze bewaard in een oplaaddoosje. Maar er zijn ook verschillen. We testten de AirPods met een iPhone X en de Galaxy Buds met de...
Le AirPods 2 sono un aggiornamento, riuscito, rispetto al primo modello. Probabilmente è quello che le AirPods avrebbero dovuto essere fin dall'inizio, con Siri sempre pronto a dare una mano e la ricarica wireless. I pregi di questi auricolari sono noti...
Published: 2019-04-17, Author: Pedro , review by: applesfera.com
Abstract: Es imposible hablar de los AirPods sin compartir alguna experiencia personal con ellos. La presentación del modelo original en la keynote de Septiembre de 2016 nos presentó un producto que parecía sacado de una película de ciencia ficción, tanto, que cuan...