ly, the ASUS H97Pro's Layout is well thought Once more very practical are the angled SATA connectors, but unfortunately there are only two of these connectors while other two are straight We want to underline that this board features great storage versati...
● Conclusion다양한 확장성과 Overclock 능력을 갖춘 ASUS H97-PRO이번에 소개해드린 ASUS H97-PRO Motherboard는... DRAM Overcurrent Protection / DIGI+ VRM / ESD Guard / Stainless Steel Back I/O / 5k Hour Cpas로 구성된 5X Protection을 앞세워안정성 및 내구성에 강한 자신감을 드러내 듯.....은은한 금색 도장 방열판을 포함한 비...