This isn't the end-all be-all of Battlefield 1 pre-release articles, mind you; there is quite a bit more in the game worth liking and disliking, but consider this a good start. When it comes down to it, the game as it stands isn't everything I could've a...
As the old saying goes: less is more. While my suggestions may make this look like a gutted game, that's just on the surface; underneath lies superior gameplay and polish. More guns in a game doesn't necessarily mean more fun gameplay; often it just mean...
Abstract: Après la présentation du trailer de Battlefield 1, que vous pouvez retrouver ICI, qui fait déjà sensation chez les gamers voici que l'édition collector de ce nouveau Battlefield fut dévoilé. Nous vous expliquons tous ce qu'il faut savoir :Electronic Arts...