Grafik, Gameplay, Battlelog, Vielfalt an Waffen und Schauplatzen
kleinere Grafikfehler und Bugs
fallt uns bei diesem Titel keinesfalls schwer, denn Battlefield 3 konnte sowohl mit uberragender Grafik, als auch mit tollem Gameplay uberraschen. Selbst Skeptikern der Battlefield-Reihe konnen wir das Game warmstens empfehlen, da es kaum ein vergleichba...
Abstract: Battlefield 3 stellt durchaus hohe Anforderungen an Ihren Computer - zumindest bei hohen oder maximalen Grafikdetails. Durch das Abschalten einiger Schmankerl läuft der DICE-Titel deutlich besser, auch auf alten Maschinen. Wir zeigen Ihnen den Vergleich z...
von Jan Fratzer Na gut, den großen "Aha!"-Effekt bietet Battlefield 3 Kennern der Reihe nicht. Dennoch ist es genau das, was sich Freunde der Serie gewünscht haben: Brachial, pompös und riesengroß. Der Multiplayer-Modus stellt das aktuelle Nonplusult...
Fantastic multiplayer we will be playing for months and probably years to come, while the mindblowing PC graphics have been scaled extremely well to the consoles -- the game almost always looks great; some fairly sweet set-pieces that incorporate vehic...
Abstract: For months now anticipation has been building amongst first person shooter fanatics as the release of this year's two main military based games approached. Just two weeks apart Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 are being launched and it is fair to say...
Abstract: Десять лет назад в роли пресловутых слона и кита выступали серии Call of Duty и Medal of Honor. Но шли годы, «Медаль за Отвагу» потускнела и покрылась плесенью, и ее сместил новый гранд — Battlefield. Так сложилось, что «Зов Долга» остался законодателем м...
Abstract: After the trailers, the trash talking and the rather controversial multiplayer beta, DICE’s highly awaited first-person shooter, Battlefield 3 has finally arrived. It carries with it the expectations of millions or at least thousands of gamers, who’v...
Abstract: Rumors of a sequel to acclaimed multiplayer shooter Battlefield 2 started just about a year after the game was released. It seemed DICE had a vision, though, one far beyond the technology available at the time, and so they waited, as did fans. Announce...
Abstract: The story puts you in the shoes of Sergeant James Blackburn, a man being interrogated by the CIA for committing certain acts against the country. Through flashblacks, you learn the true story behind what really happened. Expect some twists and turns, ...