Testseek.com have collected 21 expert reviews of the BenQ e-Reading Desk Lamp and the average rating is 90%. Scroll down and see all reviews for BenQ e-Reading Desk Lamp.
21 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: BenQ is well-known for its professional monitor lineup and I'm quite surprised that they also made a LED desk lamp. Moreover, this is the world's first desk lamp designed for e-reading.The lamp was first introduced in 2015 under the name BenQ WIT but it w...
Beautiful design, Well-made, Heavy base for stability, Easy to assemble, Ambient light feature, You can adjust the amount of light or the color temperature with a turn of the knob, Infinitely adjustable for your perfect lighting needs, Long-lasting LED li
Nothing — this is the finest and smartest desk lamp I've ever owned
Very well made, EReading mode, Varying levels of brightness, Looks great, Easy to use
Might be considered expensive, Would like it to get dimmer
The BenQ WiT LED desk lamp is an excellent choice for lighting your home or office, it just looks great and it would fit fine anywhere.I'm very happy with this lamp overall, the only complaint I might have really is that I wish it could get dimmer that it...
Interesting entry to colour-changing lamp technology; Quite bright;
Huge with a heavy base; Lamp is easily switched off; Colour choices aren't dramatically varied; Design aesthetics are questionable; No phone or tablet control;
Despite the omission of complete control — something an app would have brought to the table, Benq's Wit is a curious concept, delivering something we're only now seeing brought into the main home over to the office.It's not perfect and could easily do wit...
It's our first time reviewing something like an intelligent table lamp, but what BenQ has here is actually a pretty decent product that will certainly have its uses amongst the masses.(previously published in issue May 2016)...
Abstract: I just wrapped up testing what just may be the ultimate desktop LED lamp BenQ's WiT lamp has a uniquely curved head designed to eliminate reflection and contrast glare while illuminating a vast swath of desktop Not only the brightness, but also the color...
Published: 2016-04-07, Author: Stefan , review by: maclife.de
massiver Standfuß sehr gutes und auf Wunsch auch sehr helles Licht, unterschiedliche Farbtemperaturen wählbar, intelligenter BildschirmModus, verschiedene Farbvarianten
verliert aktuelle Einstellung nach Trennung vom Netz (Schaltsteckdosen)
Die WiT liefert hervorragendes Licht zum Arbeiten und Lesen an Bildschirmen und Displays aller Art. Das schlichte Design weiß zu gefallen, die Verarbeitung ist hochwertig, der Preis angemessen...
Abstract: 눈이 편안한 독서 및 공부 환경 시력 보호에 최적화된 BenQ WiT 아이케어 스탠드 "몸이 천 냥이면 눈은 구백 냥" 이라는 속담에서 알 수 있듯이 눈은 우리 몸에서 매우 중요한 기관 중 하나이다. 나빠지기 시작하면 종잡을 수 없고 시력이 다시 좋아지는 경우는 드물다. 눈의 건강을 위해서라면 디지털 기기를 멀리하고 자주 쉬는 것이 최선이겠지만 생활을 하다보면 그렇게 하기가 쉽지 않다. 일상 생활 속 우리의 눈은 모니터 스마트폰 TV 등 다양한...