Abstract: BioShock is Irrationals finest offering to date, as well as the swan song for the Irrational brand in a way, since they recently relinquished their longstanding and well-established studio name for the more corporate, faceless tag of 2K Boston and 2K ...
Abstract: Andrew Bistak9.6It is very rare for a game to leave its mark on the gaming industry and the last game to really give the market something unique was the original Half Life game, however the award-winning System Shock 2 "sequel", BioShock is just one ...
Abstract: Det som gör Bioshock så bra är stämningen. Redan vid första steget man tar med sina blöta skor i staden Rapture så blir man uppslukad. En utopisk undervattensstad vars miljöer berättar om ett förfall bjuder på en resa genom läcker design, smar...