Borderlands 2 bietet eine herrlich verrückte Spielwelt, skurrile Charaktere, eine tadellose Spielmechanik und große Areale. Dabei ist es ebenso simpel wie spaßig. Die Charaktere sind schräg, das Adrenalin hoch – und die Spielzeit mit etwa 40 Stunden (3...
Abstract: The new cast of characters in Borderlands 2. (Image Credit: Gearbox Software)Like the first before it, Borderlands 2 is a game mostly about really big, really effective sci-fi weaponry. As a sequel, the second game offers up a clearly improved yet fai...
Abstract: The original Borderlands was a great game. It was this bizarre "Space Western" with a cast of absolutely insane characters, a morbidly dark sense of humor, and a randomly generated loot system that led to the proclamation that the game contained "bajil...
Abstract: Da Borderlands udkom for næsten tre år siden, tog det den internationale spilverden med storm. Med solidt gameplay, et vovet grafisk udtryk og en generelt høj underholdningsfaktor, var det ét af de spil, som høstede store roser. Derfor blev annoncering...
Inspired, exaggerated characters. Handsome Jack is one of the finest villains in gaming. Narrative is long, and engrossing. A great sense of humour throughout, and a unique presentation.
The occasional bug in boss fights. Some backtracking.
Abstract: Borderlands 2 ReviewBorderlands 2 stinks of money from start to finish, cementing the series' transformation from the little game that could to the blockbuster game that must. Developer Gearbox has boasted of increased budget, staff and scope for the s...
Abstract: Med Borderlands 2 får vi akkurat det vi kunne ha håpa på. Etter suksessen med Borderlands er det lett å sjå at Gearbox har brukt tida på å gjere alt det som ikkje kunne gjerast i første omgang. Verda er større, den er penare, den er meir underhaldande...
Abstract: Borderlands oli mitä mainioin idea. Otetaan neljän pelaajan co-op-FPS, heitetään mukaan RPG-henkistä questailua ja satunnaisia aseita ja varusteita arpova loottisysteemi ja mitä onkaan tuloksena? No, peli, joka pääsi useammallekin vuoden peli –listall...
Abstract: Borderlands 2, the game that Vault Hunters have been waiting for since the conclusion of Claptrap's New Robot Revolution in August 2010. It's finally upon us, and frankly, it's fantastic. Playing it is like seeing your favorite band during a new world tou...