Abstract: An exclusive preview of the game in Singapore shows just why it's worth the hype2K Games hosted the Borderlands 2 preview in Singapore last week, and the CEO and founder of Gearbox Software (the game's developer), Randy Pitchford, was present as well. He ...
Abstract: 2k Games und Gearbox lassen die Fetzen fliegen - in Borderlands 2 ziehen erneut mit abgefahren Waffen und Skills im Coop-Modus los und mähen alles nieder, was sich in den Weg stellt. PC Games Hardware macht den Praxistest für Sie auf der Gamescom.Borderla...
Abstract: Welcome back to PandoraBorderlands 2 stands as only the second game in its genre, really – an FPS with RPG elements and insane loot-styled overtones, wrapped in a black-comedy packet with a cartoon style. It's weird – I still meet people who never played ...