Testseek.com have collected 107 expert reviews of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and the average rating is 71%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
November 2011
107 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Dramatisasi seolah tak terpisahkan dari kata MW, Plot dan dramatisasi, Special Ops Mode, Terrain yang lebih beragam, Framerate tinggi di versi konsol, Pengalaman bermain single player yang intens, Ending yang epik
Visualisasi yang masih kalah jauh dari kompetitor
Play the game or i'll shoot you!Setelah memainkan Single Player dan Special Ops mode yang ditawarkan, Activision harus diakui sekali lagi berhasil menempatkan Modern Warfare 3 sebagai salah satu franchise game FPS terbaik yang pernah lahir di industri gam...
Abstract: Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 (foto : Modernwarfare3site) Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 adalah salah satu game release paling fenomenal tahun ini, setidaknya bila mempertimbangkan jutaan dolar yang dikeluarkan oleh Activicion demi memastikan setiap ga...
Abstract: I’ve been playing first person shooters since there were first person shooters. I don’t limit myself to any platform or game genre – I simply enjoy playing them. Over the years, certain franchises have risen to the top and captivated players in a way...
Abstract: It's the game that everyone's talking about – Modern Warfare 3. And this time, the talk on launch day isn't about shafted PC players, or scenes of unnecessary violence, or even Call of Duty's domination as the biggest entertainment launch ever. All of tho...
Published: 2011-11-11, Author: Sebastian , review by: purepc.pl
Dynamiczna kampania singlowa, Sporo fajnego sprzętu i pojazdów, Ogromna różnorodność lokacji, Przyjemny „feeling” giwer, Kilka naprawdę przyjemnych misji
Kolejny raz otrzymaliśmy to samo, Grafika sprzed ponad pięciu lat, Ograniczenia prywatnych serwerów, Oskryptowana do granic możliwości, Grubymi nićmi szyty scenariusz, Sztuczna inteligencja mocno kuleje, Wymagania sprzętowe wcale nie małe
Abstract: The introduction to the third game in the Modern Warfare series assumes I paid way more attention to the story in the first two games. Modern Warfare 2 may have had a story, but it was hard to follow, featured a number of characters dying for little ...
Published: 2011-11-10, Author: Chris , review by: cnet.com
Abstract: When the Modern Warfare scion of the venerable Call of Duty franchise branched out four years ago, the electrifying campaign and addictive multiplayer cast a new mold for first-person shooters. In the years since, this formula has been consistently re...
Abstract: Entwickler Infinity Ward versprach, dass Modern Warfare 3 drei gleichgestellte Spielmodi haben wird. Neben Koop- und Multiplayer-Modus wollte man auch die Kampagne nicht mehr stiefmütterlich behandeln und nahm sich einiges vor, um das Finale im Krieg zwis...