作为佳能首款全画幅专业微单相机,佳能EOS R也延续了佳能一贯的均衡特点,不管是拍摄视频还是拍摄照片,都有着非常高水准的表现,使用了跟EOS 5D Mark IV同一水准的CMOS,搭载最新的全像素双核对焦技术,并且支持全像素双核RAW格式存储,能够带来更方便的后期。对焦方面更是达到了100%*80%的扩展对焦区域,5655个对焦点实现最快0.05秒的对焦速度,提升尤为显著,达到了专业的水准。全新的R系统带来了更加丰富的功能支持,包括现有的对焦距离显示、镜头控制环等,未来还会基于R系统进行更多的开发。其实...
Abstract: We got our hands on the new Canon EOS R shooting in 4k, we tested C-log, In camera Digital Image Stabilization, Auto Focus and upscaled 120fps from 720 to 4k...
Abstract: 經過兩天短暫的體驗,Canon EOS R 帶給我有別於過去 EOS 系統的感受,很多概念及設計都是全新的,所以在拍攝、操作的過程中常常會感受到突如其來的驚喜,相較於對手在全片幅 MILC 豐富的經驗來看,EOS R 當然不可能只推出單一機種來搶市,這也是為什麼有部分消費者的願望清單沒有實現在 EOS R 身上的原因。簡單地說「Canon EOS R」就是 Canon 進軍全片幅 MILC 領域的第一款相機,從規格面及許多選單細節來看,不難發現 EOS R 的目標客群涵蓋範圍相當廣,不僅做為職業用途是綽綽...
Abstract: Here's the Canon EOS R with the four new RF lenses. The 24-105mm f/4 (third from left) lens is the most comfortable compromise between size and performance on the camera. It offers a longer zoom than the 28-70mm (first from left), and while it's not as fa...
Abstract: This post is the third of a series of interviews held with Canon in Japan. The first post discussed why the EOS R doesn't ship with in-body image stabilization and shoots 4K video with a 1.7x crop. The second revealed why it took Canon so long to enter t...
Abstract: This post is the first of a series of interviews held in Canon headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.Canon announced their first mirrorless full-frame camera, the EOS R, in early September. That camera introduces the new RF mount, for which Canon is releasing fou...
Abstract: I have published two articles with videos about the NEW Canon EOS R mirrorless camera. The first article and video were made on the night of the launch, and then I published Hits and Misses going over my thoughts on the things Canon got right and what th...