Sluggish autofocus speeds, Low battery life, External flash is not standard
The Canon EOS M is a promising product that feels like it was released before it was finished. Most of it is certainly excellent: The camera body is a solid work of art, with a clean-cut look and rich paint job. The touch-screen is the best we've seen in...
Abstract: Late last week What Digital Camera took delivery of Canon's first compact system camera - the EOS M. The product sample we used was a pre-production model meaning we weren't able to assess the image quality produced by the 18MP CMOS sensor and we'd hav...
AF and burst shooting could be faster, no WiFi, limited lens support at this time
Blending the best bits of their compact and DSLR range, Canon has delivered one of the most easy to use, capable CSCs around today.While there are a couple of things that are missing on the EOS M - Wi-Fi connectivity for instance, on the whole it's a v...
Small lightweight simple body, 3 inch 1040k bright 3:2 touch-screen, 18 Megapixel APS-C sensor, Compatible with EF & EFS lenses using adapter, 1080p movies at 24, 25 or 30p, External microphone socket.
Only 2 native EF-M lenses at launch, Sluggish AF performance, No electronic viewfinder option, Record button dead in non-movie modes, No built-in stabilisation.
The EOS M is a debut model competing in a market full of mature products. For first time CSC buyers, there are better options, with superior handling and versatility, greater customisation, a wider choice of lenses and accessories, and many are also l...
EOS M的出現無疑是向微單眼市場投入了一顆超級震撼彈!為什麼這樣說呢?其實原因很簡單,因為Canon數位單眼相機的銷量,長年都穩坐龍頭寶座,EF或EF-S鏡頭自然也有大批的擁護者,而這也成為EOS M最好切入的時機;因為多數Canon EOS用戶早就習慣、也愛上C家那獨樹一格的色彩演繹方式,將1D、5D或7D系列作為職業機的影像工作者更不在少數,但在閒暇之餘只想輕鬆的紀錄與家人相處的時光、或是隨手捕捉身邊的景色時,大多數用戶的外出裝備應該都是以「輕量+高畫質」為優先吧!?當DC不能滿足你,就只能挑選它牌...
Video snapshot; Sensore CMOS APSC da 18 MP; Video Full HD 1080p; Processore DIGIC 5 a 14 bit; Sistema Hybrid AF per foto e video; Display touch da 7,7 cm e 1,04 milioni di punti; Sensibilità; Sensibilità ISO 10012.800, espandibile fino a 25.600 ISO ; Scene Intelligent Auto; Creative Filter; Basic Function,
La nuova Canon EOS M è una fotocamera mirror-less di ultima generazione con features di altissimo livello ed è dotata del fantastico processore DIGIC 5 a 14 bit che garantisce delle gradazioni cromatiche precise e fuori dal comune. Tra i moltissimi pu...
Abstract: Canon 推出的第一款無反光鏡可換鏡機種:EOS M Canon 在七月時發表首款無反光鏡相機 EOS M,它採用 APS-C 感光元件以及全新的 EF-M 鏡頭接環,機身相當小巧。等了三個月,這部新機終於在香港現身,18-55mm 鏡頭套裝售價 5,980 港幣,折合新台幣約 22,590 元,似乎還算合理範圍,希望台灣上市時的價格不會差太多。 Canon 推出了 EOS M 的專用相機套 Canon EOS M 重點特色 EF-M 鏡頭接環 APS-C 尺寸(22.3 x 14.9mm) 18...
Canon hat mit der EOS M zwar als letzter Hersteller seinen Hut bei den Systemkameras in den Ring geworfen, liefert aber eine Kamera ab, die auf den ersten Blick zu überzeugen weiß. Ihr Gehäuse ist kompakt, theoretisch stehen sehr viele Objektive zur Auswa...
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Published: 2012-09-21, Author: Юрий , review by:
Abstract: Canon EOS 6D Canon EOS 6D подпадает под определение бюджетных зеркальных фотокамер с полнокадровой матрицей. В ее корпусе нашлось место 20.2-мегапиксельному CMOS-сенсору размера 36х24 мм, оптическому видоискателю с 97-процентным покрытием кадра, а также 3...