Abstract: The name alone may conjure up images of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger donning a loincloth and whirling a broadsword about his head. Yet this take on Conan the Barbarian has more in common with the books and comics than the 1982 Hollywood blockbuster....
Abstract: Gamers, women, members of modern society ... prepare yourselves to be offended (especially if you happen to be all three)Easy//2/5 Conan is a game in which bare breasted slave women say things like "Oh, what happened to my clothes?" while bending over...
Enormous number of weapons and combination attacks, great boss battles, stunning battle animations
Enemies are too predictable, storytelling lacks polish The Final Word Conan mightve been elevated to the Mount Olympus-like heights that a certain other warrior has achieved had it not been for the disjointed narrative and dispassionate vocal performa...
Conan mightve been elevated to the Mount Olympus-like heights that a certain other warrior has achieved had it not been for the disjointed narrative and dispassionate vocal performances.
Abstract: Remember the scene in the Matrix where the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar is sitting around eating some runny protein sludge and wondering if the machines really knew what Tastee Wheat tasted like? That maybe they got it wrong and anyone who claimed to kno...
Abstract: Der er en grund til at Conan er bandlyst i Storbritannien. I denne fortælling får du nemlig brutale mord, nøgne kvinder samt lemmer, hoveder og et hav af blod på alverdens gader.Nøgne skønheder, en magtsyg hersker, mammutter, drager, vilde løver, runer...
Abstract: Before there was The Lord of the Rings, there was Robert E. Howards Conan the Cimmerian. Now, the big brute is starring in his own video game.
Over 100 combat moves, Gloriously violent animation, Great pace to the game, Absorbing boss battles, Halfnaked ladies
Fixed Camera, Puzzles are lame, Some framerate issues
With all this violence going on, there’s no surprise that Conan himself has some sexual tension to release and aside from the fighting you’ll come across many a damsel in distress. They’ve unfortunately been tied up…topless of cou...
Abstract: There are boobies in THQs new action button-masher Conan. Lots of boobies. The "collection" portion that seems requisite for all action and adventure titles these days has the famed barbarian searching for half-naked slave girls chained to rocks. Ther...
Abstract: VIDEO: Head over to our videos page to check out all Conan footage!You hear it all the time when someone discusses clones: "Is more God of War a bad thing?" And no, it wouldn't be -- at least, to a certain point -- but that question assumes so much abo...