Abstract: Remedy, as a studio, has always defied convention by combining their love for other media with video games. If Max Payne was an examination of film noir, then Alan Wake was Remedy's attempt at a playable Stephen King novel. Quantum Break, with its jarring...
Control is set in an engrossingly weird paranormal world that I couldn't help but explore. Jesse's versatile psychic skills and main weapon make for thrilling ranged combat. And thanks to a strong supporting cast, a well-written script, and plenty of intr...
Abstract: Remedy Entertainment, hampir sebagian besar gamer tentu sudah mengenal sepak terjang developer yang satu ini, terutama mereka yang memang selalu mengejar game action dengan sisi cerita yang dalam. Dikenal sebagai otak di balik seri Max Payne, yang kemudia...
Published: 2019-08-26, Author: David , review by: echoboomer.pt
Abstract: Control é a mais recente aposta da Remedy Entertainment, estúdio finlandês que os jogadores devem conhecer por serem os criadores de jogos tão influentes e icónicos como Max Payne, Alan Wake e Quantum Break. Tal como os jogos anteriores, Control é mais...
Abstract: Remedy ekibinin yeni oyunu Control hakkında bilgiler gelmeye devam ediyor. 27 Ağustos tarihinde çıkacak olan yapımın çıkışına az kala oyunun PC sürümü ile gündemde yeniden buldu. Gündeme gelen son iddiaya göre Control, PC platformunda Quantum Break'ten d...
RTX Feature support, Fantastic story, Worldbuilding collectibles, Great use of FMV, Quality voice acting, Balanced combat, Large skill/upgrade tree, Lots of content
Horrible map design, Unclear objectives, Easy to get lost, Distant checkpoints
Control is more than a game you play; it's an experience you'll never forget
Published: 2019-06-06, Author: Wolf , review by: turn-on.de
Abstract: Da geht man morgens ganz normal zur Arbeit und findet sich plötzlich mitten in einem übernatürlichen Actionthriller wieder - so ergeht es der Hauptfigur in "Control" von Remedy Entertainment! Wir konnten das Game bereits anspielen und verraten Dir, warum...