Abstract: Let's get one thing straight first - the Dead Space series is genuinely frightening. There's a subtle difference between experiences that make you jump out of your seat every now and again, and those that distil fear into your very being, causing anxie...
Campaign starts strong and ends strong, Dismembering necromorphs is as thrilling as ever, Some great new necromorph types, Wonderfully atmospheric visuals and sound design, Exhilarating multiplayer.
No significant gameplay advances over the first game, Singleplayer falls into predictable rhythm for a while, Some dull objectives.
Dead Space 2's thrilling campaign and intense multiplayer make it an excellent game and a worthy follow-up to its superb predecessor....
Abstract: There's an argument to be made that Dead Space 2 is more than just dismembering nightmare creatures in a never-ending splortchy march of exploding heads, impaled flesh, and insanity, with some light engineering work.Dead Space 2 is one long...
Abstract: In space no one can hear you scream...for more.The horror game genre has become increasingly stagnate over the years. Resident Evil was the original, and while I have loved the later incarnations, they rarely give you that sense of tension we got when ...
Abstract: Med blodet dryppende fra dine efterhånden talrige sår, slæber du dig igennem et tilsyneladende forladt lejlighedskompleks. Dit åndedræt er tungt og med sløret syn bevæger du dig langsomt ned af en mørk korridor. Et forvrænget skrig længere fremme...
Uheimliche Atmosphäre, Tolle Grafik, Angst und Schrecken, witziger Multiplayer, Tolle Story, Sympathischer Protagonist
Teils vorhersehbar, Schweißtreibend, Für Einsteiger happig, Leichte ClippingFehler
Wie bereits beim Preview erwähnt, „Dead Space 2“ spart nicht mit der roten Körperflüssigkeit. Diese kommt (im besten Fall) zwar von den Aliens, dennoch wirken manche Elemente ein wenig zu hart. Nur weil ich mit manchen Körperteilen der Necromorphs arbe...
It would be foolish to criticise any game on what could’ve been however, and Dead Space 2 is a very impressive, and gorgeous, survival horror. While it does border on third-person shooter more often than we would prefer – especially towards its end and...
Dead Space 2 is brilliant. It’s only January, but already we’re sure that this is easily one of the best games you’ll play this year. It’s as much an action game as it is a journey into a virtual horror movie. The slicker controls, outstanding visuals...
Violent and highly satisfying gameplay, Insanely immersive, Never resorts to cheap scares, Multiplayer is an added bonus
If you didn't like the first game, this one will not change your mind.
Visually, Dead Space 2 is stunning. It's still a very dark game but you can make out Visceral upped the visuals significantly. Blood and gore are still a very integral part of this franchise and this game features more blood and guts than pretty much a...