Abstract: It's time for a fresh start. Destiny was a game with growing pains that turned into something beloved. Destiny 2 is here, ready to carry on the legacy. While it has some of its own growing pains to contend with, this is not a case where a game is released...
Tight, fluid gunplay, New class abilities and subclasses, New and entertaining Crucible mode
Weapon system tweaks have unclear benefits, Beta leaves out many important facets of the full game
While it's difficult to draw final conclusions about Destiny 2 from the beta, it provides the same addicting hooks as the first game, and shows promising hints of more to come...
wciąż świetna mechanika strzelania, duża różnorodność broni, sporo różnych aktywności, od kampanii i misji pobocznych, po wyzwania i dodatkowe cele, fantastyczny projekt niektórych lokacji, kooperacja,
słaba kampania fabularna, niewielka różnorodność w trybie PvP, pokaż wszystkie,
Abstract: Comme promis, Bungie a ouvert les serveurs du très attendu Destiny 2, avec une phase bêta disponible à la fois sur PS4 et Xbox One, pour permettre à quelques veinards de prendre le jeu en main avec un peu d'avance, et de tester à la fois le solo et le mu...
Published: 2017-07-09, Author: Tom , review by: dailystar.co.uk
Abstract: BUNGIEThe first Destiny game was an epic sci-fi space shooter with lengthy online battles which helped to really show off the 'next gen' machines' web capability for the first time. And now we have the sequel, somewhat delayed but full of blockbuster mome...
Abstract: Chyba wszyscy się zgodzimy, że tegoroczna zima dała nam w kość i ciągnęła się niemiłosiernie długo. Na szczęście, pomimo panującego na zewnątrz mrozu, mogliśmy się koić w blasku telewizorów za sprawą takich produkcji jak Resident Evil VII, Horizon Zero D...
Abstract: You never know what you're going to get with E3 demos. Sometimes the demo and courageous employee walking you through it are instructed to assume you've never held a controller in your life. These are the fun demos, the ones that let you speak with a pers...
Abstract: Destiny 2, the first true sequel to Bungie's 2014 massively multiplayer online first person shooter, begins with the required bang. The game drops players in the midst of an all-out assault on the Tower, the core social location from the first two years o...