To be honest I've had little time to actually play Dirt 3 as I prepared this performance review, but it looks to be every bit as good as its predecessor, just with more of everything. More tracks, more cars, a much improved menu system, and of course,...
Abstract: Selv om DiRT 2 var et glimrende racerspil, gik der lidt for meget ”Hey yo amerikaner MTV attitude” i den og det gik mere op i trucks, buggies og X-Games, end ægte rally med hårdtpumpede rallybiler på støvede veje. Selv om der også er både buggies, truc...
Abstract: Thrilling gameplay, eye watering visuals, spectacular physics, and flamboyancy; these are just a few of the things that we have come to expect from the Dirt franchise, and the third instalment, Dirt 3, undoubtedly delivers in style. However, it is not ...
Abstract: Sedan Codemasters gav rallygenren en välbehövd nystart i och med Colin McRae: Dirt har de lyckats hålla serien tillräckligt fräsch för att en ny del ska kännas välkommen in i spelhyllan. Nu när serien gör sitt mest vågade drag hittills och blandar in b...
Abstract: Mud in my EyeSome of us are born with it. That adrenaline-fueled desire to want to push things to their limits. To drive that extra bit faster, to corner a little bit tighter and to be airborne for slightly longer next time you hit that jump. Sadly, a ...
Abstract: Dirt 3 is the latest rally racing game from the masters of the field, UK outfit Codemasters. Improving on nearly every aspect of the last iteration, without removing any of the goodness that Dirt 2 brought us, as an entertaining, not overly-serious vi...
Abstract: Those big events are not gone completely though. The X Games returns for DiRT 3 as does the LA Coliseum along with some races at Monaco, a track more famous for F1 racing. At this point you might catch yourself sighing, but hold on, don’t let me..
DIRT 3 bietet endlich wieder mehr Rallye-Events und hat dennoch auf den üblichen Namen der verstorbenen Rallye-Legende Colin McRae im Titel verzichtet. Zu Recht, denn eine Rallye-Simulation kann und will Codemasters wohl auch im Hinblick auf weltweite ...
There isn't very much you'd say could be improved here, given the capabilities of the current generation of consoles on the market. OK, so the AI could be even more unpredictable, the Flashback system a little quicker to rewind and the cars even more twea...
Abstract: Det är lite svårt att tänka sig hur Codemasters skulle kunna misslyckas med den grund de byggt upp i Dirt 2. Lite mer tyngd i bilarna och större påverkan från underlaget måste legat högt upp på priolistan och sedan var det mest en fråga om att mosa in ...