The DJI Spark delivers a tiny, lightweight design; excellent mechanically stabilized camera; USB charging and advanced features like gesture controls and obstacle detection. It travels well and is great for aerial photos and video
The Gesture mode currently only takes photos. Flight time can be as short as 10 to 14 minutes. The app can be frustrating to use, especially on smaller screens. And you should expect to buy batteries and possibly the optional controller
The DJI Spark delivers all of the camera drone features most people will ever need in an impossibly small package...
The DJI Spark delivers a tiny, lightweight design; excellent mechanically stabilized camera; USB charging and advanced features like gesture controls and obstacle detection. It travels well and is great for aerial photos and video
The Gesture mode currently only takes photos. Flight time can be as short as 10 to 14 minutes. The app can be frustrating to use, especially on smaller screens. And you should expect to buy batteries and possibly the optional controller
The DJI Spark delivers all of the camera drone features most people will ever need in an impossibly small package...
Lengkung belajar yang tidak curam, Dalam harga mampu milik, Tahap mobiliti yang tinggi
Hayat bateri terhad, Tidak boleh mengambil gambar semasa rakaman video, Tidak boleh merakam video semasa kawalan menggunakan lenggok tangan
DJI Spark adalah sebuah dron yang menjadi jambatan kepada dunia dron yang lebih luas. Pada harga yang rendah, ia amat sesuai dijadikan dron permulaan sebelum berhijrah ke sesuatu yang lebih besar dan canggih.Sungguhpun kecil, DJI Spark tidak mengorbankan...
Abstract: Note: Pricing and deals may end soon. Prices and information quoted here are accurate at the time of writing. HWZ.MY is not endorsing any of the items listed here, and will not be held responsible for deals gone wrong. The purpose of this weekly article i...
Abstract: Висококачествените дронове са сериозна инвестиция. Ние сме изпробвали множество от тях и това са най-добрите в нашите тестове през тази година. Колегата Jim Fisher от PC Magazine, е подготвил една добра класация на най-добрите потребителски дронове, нали...
Published: 2017-07-10, Author: Daniel , review by:
Controlo por gestos, Estabilização, Mobilidade
Falta de comando no pack base, Reconhecimento de gestos pouco maduro
O DJI Spark é um verdadeiro Selfie drone que vem complementar a oferta da DJI. Além de inovar pelo seu pequeno tamanho, o que o torna fácil de transportar, diferencia-se também pelo controlo por gestos, que permite simplificar na hora de meter o drone no...
Abstract: 지난 5월 드론계의 애플이라 불리는 Dji가 소형 드론 스파크를 발표 했습니다. 6월 초에 예약하고 한달만에 스파크 콤보 세트(dji spark fly more combo)가 도착 했습니다.단품이 2주 먼저 입고가 되고 스파크 콤보 세트는 6월말 입고 였는데 지연되어 7월 첫주에 받았습니다. 콤보 세트는 배터리 * 2ea, 조정기와 전용가방 프로펠러 가드가 포함된 모델입니다. 콤보 세트를 하면 배터리외에 다른 액세서리는 필요 없습니다.박스 크기는 단품의...
Published: 2017-07-07, Author: Mark , review by:
Großartige Einsteiger-Drohne, Nicht nur eine abgespeckte Version der High-End-Drohne Mavic Pro, Gute Akkulaufzeit
Am besten lässt sich die Drohne per Controller bedienen, der separat erhältlich ist und recht teuer, Kein 4K, RAW-Format wird nicht unterstützt
Die Spark hat es geschafft, punktgenau auf dem „Sweetspot“ der Drohnen zu landen.In vielerlei Hinsicht ähnelt sie einer guten Systemkamera – sie bietet zahlreiche Automodi, die für frustfreien Flugspaß sorgen und Leute, die ihre Flugkünste perfektionieren...
Dans le monde des drones de grand public, le DJI Spark n'est pas tout seul, il y a quand même pas mal de concurrent comme le Hover ou le Dobby, mais je peux vous le dire. Pour les avoir tous testé, le DJI Spark est tout simplement le plus complet aujourd'...