Caratterizzazione eccelsa dei personaggi, inseriti in un mondo vasto graficamente splendido, ricco di attività in cui il gunplay classico della serie diverte, tanto in singolo quanto in cooperativa, arricchisce l'offerta, e la longevità, la modalità Arcad
Dopo diversi anni da Far Cry 3 ci saremmo aspettati un tentativo più concreto nella rivisitazione del gameplay e la presenza di un'IA più al passo con i tempi, alla lunga le molte attività secondarie tendono a risultare troppo simili fra loro,
Far Cry 5 è un more of the same riuscito ed estremamente godibile, che farà la felicità di tutti coloro che hanno amato i precedenti capitoli e che saprà senz'altro farsi apprezzare da tutti dagli amanti degli action in prima persona; con un comparto graf...
Published: 2018-03-26, Author: April , review by:
Abstract: We've all probably had that moment when we sit down with a highly anticipated game and pray to whatever video game gods are out there, “Please don't suck!” I felt that sensation very strongly when I booted up Far Cry 5. Ahead of launch, there were concer...
Published: 2018-03-26, Author: Israel , review by:
Abstract: 'Far Cry 5', el FPS aventurero de sectas y tiroteos, venía precedido por una incólume —e inclemente— campaña de promoción. Desarrollado por Ubisoft Montreal y Toronto, tomando como horma el propio marco natural de los estudios y forzando el motor Dunia En...
Published: 2018-03-26, Author: Stefan , review by:
Joseph Seed als overtuigende bad guy, Hope County oogt prachtig, De wereld zit vol met activiteiten en opties, Gehele game is in coop te spelen, Far Cry Arcade laat je zelf content maken
Technische imperfecties, Framerate soms wat instabiel
Published: 2018-03-26, Author: Jeff , review by:
Far Cry 5 is mechanically sound and varied. You'll find something that entertains you, and Ubisoft has nailed all of the underlying elements of character and world progression. At the same time, it squanders some decent writing because it can't decide wha...
unzählige Spielmöglichkeiten, Tolle Atmosphäre, Gelungene Story
teilweise zu statische Animationen, geringe Waffenauswahl, Auf der PlayStation 4 (nicht Pro) leichtes Nachziehen beim Umschauen
Das neue Far Cry hat uns voll überzeugt und gepackt. Wir haben viel Zeit investiert, weil das Spiel sehr vielseitig und aufregend gestaltet ist. Der Kampf gegen die Seeds und deren Sekte hält zu jeder Zeit auf Trab, sodass das Spiel nie langweilig wird...
Writing and Voice Cast, Real freedom of exploration and story mission selection, Boomer companion, Improvements to weapon combat, Visuals and Map Size, Far Cry Arcade
Bliss effects can be disorientating when caught in a bliss field, Animal companions can ruin stealth attempts, Enemy numbers can overwhelm at times,
Til tross for at det byr på svært få ordentlige nyvinninger, er Far Cry 5 fortsatt en meget engasjerende og vanedannende spillopplevelse. Spillets utgave av Montana er stor, fargerik og sånn passe variert, og de tingene man gjør rundt omkring er også svær...
Far Cry 5 was a blast from start to finish, pulling me into the experience instantly with an Americana rich world full of memorable characters and built with a strong core of addictive first-person gameplay...
Published: 2018-03-26, Author: Ron , review by:
Guns/Fangs for Hire system, Cooperative play is a blast, Storyline is solid, with excellent acting, Overhauled progression system, Arcade extends gameplay
Voice repetition can be aggravating, Occasional pathing bugs, Narrative has a common beat in spots, Long load times on PS4, Some graphical pop-in
With new gameplay mechanics, overhauled progression systems, a strong narrative, and the Guns/Friends for Hire system, Far Cry 5 is the overhaul that the series desperately needed. It is easily the best of the series, and represents a positive step in a n...