Abstract: Forza Horizon is the first game to come out to not be part of the numbered series, and the first to feature an open world gameplay. Players will be able to coast along the roads of Colorado in areas such as Gladstone and the Rockies. Does this spin-off fa...
Abstract: The Forza series prides itself for being the premier racing simulation game, showcasing not only immense amount of detail in both car and environment design, but the ability to make the game accessible to those who might just want to jump behind the wheel...
Abstract: Forza Horizon representerer en ny gren på Forza-treet, og gjør mye veldig riktig. Det er herlig å fly lavt over de idylliske landeveiene i drømmebilen mens sola er på vei ned bak trærne. Noen vil nok irritere seg over at spillet bare kjører med 30 bil...
Abstract: Microsoft and Turn 10’s Forza franchise has always done a pretty great job of being accessible for new players, despite being heralded as a “simulation” style racer. The past two entries, 3 and 4, were certainly shining examples of how you can craft a ...
Superb handling, Epic Colorado scenery, Challenging with loads of variety, Cool festival vibe
No car damage
Forza Horizon delivers the best of both worlds, with the handling of Forza married to the kind of action you'd find in Need for Speed. The cars are great to drive, the scenery is stunning, and there's a lot of variety to the on-road and off-road racing. ...
Abstract: Forza Horizon stapt over van de circuits naar een open spelwereld. De free roaming-racegame is niet 'the next best thing', maar wel een goede eerste stap in een nieuwe richting....
Abstract: Forza Horizon ReviewThe effortless quality of the Forza Motorsport series has never found itself wanting for much, but if there's one ding on an otherwise pristine bodywork it's a lack of personality. The clinical professionalism of the early games gav...
Abstract: Playground Games har lyckats med konststycket att blanda Forza Motorsport med Test Drive Unlimited. De har även kryddat med både lite Juiced och en gnutta Dirt 2 och Gamereactors största racingtok är nyförälskad...
Sprawling open world is a blast to explore, Stunning vistas highlighted by a full daynight cycle, Flexible difficulty welcomes a wide range of drivers, Plenty to do outside organized events, Terrific competitive multiplayer.
Abstract: Det er umuligt for mig at opgøre hvor mange omgange jeg har kørt på Suzuka, Silverstone og Spa, hvor mange gange jeg har forsøgt at ramme hver en curb og hvor mange gange jeg har sat bilen i muren. I den digitale verden har det altid handlet om den hur...