Фото, видео и аудио16:30 | 29 декабря, 2014Антидепрессанты оказались не эффективнее разговоров с психотерапевтомУкраина проведёт ракетную стрельбу на границе с КрымомКлиентам краску - вам подарки!РекламаBosch создала многофункциональный шуруповёрт для жен...
The Best Prosumer camera is…Given how well the Nikon D500 performed in last year's test, this was a much closer result than we expected. However, the Fujifilm X-T2 consistently turned in better images with better detail and less noise in all the situation...
Physical controls, Great photo image quality, Fast autofocus
FLog requires external recorder, No inbody image stabilization, No builtin headphone jack
The Fujifilm X-T2 is a superb stills camera. We loved the image quality and physical control scheme, but found the video capabilities to be average, at best...
Physical controls, Great photo image quality, Fast autofocus
FLog requires external recorder, No inbody image stabilization, No builtin headphone jack
The Fujifilm X-T2 is a superb stills camera. We loved the image quality and physical control scheme, but found the video capabilities to be average, at best...
Physical controls, Great photo image quality, Fast autofocus
FLog requires external recorder, No inbody image stabilization, No builtin headphone jack
The Fujifilm X-T2 is a superb stills camera. We loved the image quality and physical control scheme, but found the video capabilities to be average, at best...
Google is holding a competition that could see your Pixel photos gracing millions of screens. Nikon's 100th birthday party continues worldwide as a distributor in Italy organized a one-of-a-kind feat: assembling the world's largest 'human camera' from ov...
The Best Prosumer camera is…Given how well the Nikon D500 performed in last year's test, this was a much closer result than we expected. However, the Fujifilm X-T2 consistently turned in better images with better detail and less noise in all the situation...
Equipada com um brilhante sistema de focagem automática, um sensor capaz de captar imagens, mesmo em formato JPEG com uma qualidade imbatível e uma ergonomia próxima da perfeição, a X-T2 tornou-se, em pouco tempo, uma das minhas máquinas preferidas. Contu...
Abstract: Det spejlløse kamera kom på markedet som et kompakt og prisoverkommeligt alternativ til de bedste, store spejlreflekskameraer. Efterhånden som den digitale kamerateknologi har udviklet sig, er de begrænsninger, man måtte affinde sig med, dog blevet mindre...
Abstract: Det spejlløse kamera kom på markedet som et kompakt og prisoverkommeligt alternativ til de bedste, store spejlreflekskameraer. Efterhånden som den digitale kamerateknologi har udviklet sig, er de begrænsninger, man måtte affinde sig med, dog blevet mindre...