Abstract: The marketing and previews for Gears 5 would love for you to believe that it's a big new revitalization of the series adding massive open-world levels, RPG elements, and a custom map builder.While technically all those things are in the game, they are see...
Familiarly solid cover shooting with the occasional surprise. It's fitting The Coalition has opted to simply call the latest game ‘Gears', because mostly, it's just going through the motions...
Published: 2019-09-04, Author: R. , review by: xataka.com
Abstract: A 'Gears of War' ya no le vale con existir. Microsoft necesita que una de sus franquicias estrellas brille al mismo nivel que, por poner los ejemplos más claros y que gozan del privilegio de ser lo mejor en su género en consolas, 'Forza Motorsport' y 'For...
A long, varied and ambitious campaign, Characters have some narrative depth, Plenty of variety in gunplay and other mechanics, The world feels massive and full of potential
Campaign's biggest moments are somewhat underwhelming, The camera still feels too isolating at times
Gears 5 is the series' most ambitious entry to date, bringing with it an endless wave of revolutionary ideas that the franchise has been in desperate need of for years. The Coalition's mark has finally been made, and it's one that focuses on narrative imp...
Published: 2019-09-04, Author: Dom , review by: dailystar.co.uk
Incredible graphics, Best in class third-person shooter, Tight level design, Varied, engaging gameplay modes,
Open world often feels like padding, Somewhat predictable narrative
Reviewed on Xbox One XGears 5 is a return to form for Microsoft's hardcore series, delivering fans the roadie-running, head-bursting, visceral joy that made the franchise such a success in the first place.A few odd design choices can't dull the sheen of...
Published: 2019-09-04, Author: Jon , review by: stuff.tv
A thrilling, expansive campaign, 4k60 takes Gears to the next level, Escape mode is a fantastic addition
Multi still has the potential for horror, Not going to convert those who hate Gears (whoever they may be)
What a package. Truly the main event the Xbox One desperately needed after years of disappointing or underwhelming exclusives, Gears 5 is significantly better than the enjoyable Gears Of War 4, and a reminder of the power of a console exclusive that's gi...
Neue coole Waffen! Granatwerfer-Lancer, wo-hooo, Fesselnde, emotionale Kampagne, Jack ist spielbar - und erweiterbar, Mehr Charaktertiefe, Unheimlich detailverliebte Grafik, Keine Lootboxen mehr, Durchdachter Battle-Pass als Alternative
Das Hin und Her in der Semi-Open-World wirkt teilweise etwas gesucht
Um es kurz zu machen: "Gears 5" ist ein grossartiges Spiel. Es behält alles bei, was die Reihe so berühmt gemacht hat, darunter ein paar kontroverse Sachen wie die Power der Gnasher. Wer online eine Chance haben will, kommt nicht drum herum, Wallhopping u...
Abstract: Игра протестирована на Xbox One X и PC Студия The Coalition, созданная специально для развития «Шестеренок», на примере Gears of War 4 успешно доказала, что в состоянии продолжить дело Epic Games. Четвертая часть была не идеальной, но добротной и захватыв...
Published: 2019-09-04, Author: Tomasz , review by: antyweb.pl
Nowa, świeża kampania z elementami otwartego świata, Głębia w fabule i narracji, jakiej większości strzelanek brakuje, Soczysty, satysfakcjonujący gameplay, Ogrom możliwości w trybie wieloosobowym
Kampania mogłaby być dłuższa i pozbawiona cliffhangera, Podobieństw do czwórki jest ciągle cale mnóstwo (tylko czy to źle),