Polished cover-based gameplay, excellent performance, wide variety of multiplayer and co-op modes (including an offline LAN option), attention to detail paid, HDR- and 4k-ready, fun new weapons
Lackluster story and new characters, collectibles clash with pace of the game, 73.33 GB is a LOT of storage to take up, Prev2 of 2Next
Taking cover, shooting robots and monsters, taking chainsaws to faces. If that appealed to you when the original Gears of War came out, it should appeal to you now. Gears of War 4 plays just like those older games, and it does so smoothly. The Coalition h...
Man, I definitely missed the perfect reload, reviving wounded teammates, and the guitar riff of when you cleared an area. Stepping back into Gears 4 feels like reuniting w/ a long lost friend who has only changed for the better. There is definitely enoug...
Abstract: En avril, nous vous faisions déjà état de ce que pouvait donner la Bêta du jeu. Aujourd'hui, nous avons pu, lors d'un évènement presse, tester Gears of War 4 en version complète, c'est-à-dire tel qu'il sortira le 11 octobre sur Xbox One et Windows 10. Le...
"Gears of War" ist zurück! Was sich mit der gelungenen "Gears of War: Ultimate Edition" bereits angedeutet hat, steht nun fest: Mit The Coalition hat Microsoft ein Studio gefunden, bei dem die Franchise in guten Händen liegt. In "Gears of War 4" hat man e...
What makes Gears of War 4 so riotously entertaining is that it knows its limits. It doesn't have any high falutin' ambitions towards added emotional nuance or drastically altered gameplay.While that gore-soaked philosophy does show its age at times and wo...
Warto zacząć od tego, że gra Gears of War 4 nie ma dużych wymagań sprzętowych. Teoretycznie jest to po prostu dobrze zoptymalizowana produkcja, choć trzeba zaznaczyć, że jakość oprawy graficznej nawet w najwyższych ustawieniach wcale nie zachwyca, a racze...
wciągająca akcja, brawurowo poprowadzona fabuła, nowi ciekawi bohaterowie i powrót znanych postaci, świetna oprawa graficzna, klimatyczne lokacje, warunki atmosferyczne, które zmieniają obraz i reguły rozgrywki, ulepszony tryb hordy, kupując grę na
niektóre sekwencje strzelanin wydają się na siłę wydłużać rozgrywkę a przez to bywają monotonne, miejscami niezbyt imponujące efekty i animacje
Experiência online completa: co-op, modos competitivos e Horda 3.0, Gráficos sensacionais: cenários imponentes se destacam, Cenas de ação épicas e impactantes, Variedade de armas
Campanha decepcionante, Novos personagens pouco envolventes e mal trabalhados, Tiroteios cansam rapidamente pela repetição exagerada
"Gears of War 4" é uma boa estreia da franquia no Xbox One. Tirando a campanha, seus personagens rasos e os tiroteios muito repetitivos, o título oferece uma experiência bastante convidativa à jogatina para quem admira gráficos de ponta e um multiplayer o...
Abstract: Gears is back. Thank the swarm.Judgment was a misstep for Gears of War. While we're on it, I think Gears of War 3 wasn't as good as it could and should have been. The series started ambitious with the original, and I was there on Emergence Day. The sequel...