Abstract: Ok here it is… my mini-review of Halo 3. I’ll keep this short and sweet, with most sarcasm aside and just try and give you the honest low-down on it.SUCKS: It’s Halo 2 with bump mapping everwhere and some post-processing done on the image. If you want ...
Abstract: While eagerly awaiting my review copy of HALO 3, I played some more of HALO 2 to get me pumped and ready for the third and presumably final installment of the storyline (I know, HALO Wars comes out next year, but it probably will have nothing to do wit...
Abstract: Name: Halo 3Genre: First Person Shooter Platform: Xbox 360Halo is one of, if not the biggest game series to ever be released. As much as many gamers would hate to admit it Halo is a massive phenomena. No other game has fans flocking to stores in such n...
Flott gjennomført og involverende kampanje
Dypt kampsystem
Cinematisk og storslått
For det meste flott grafikk
Ikke imponerende langt
Ofte forutsigbart
Denne anmeldelsen er kun basert på enkeltspillerdelen av Halo 3. Egne flerspillerinntrykk kommer senere. Hva forventer du av Halo 3? En revolusjon innen førstepersonssjangeren? En storslått, filmatisk opplevelse med gripende historiefortelling? Eller e...
Abstract: Quick HitsTitle: Halo 3 Platform:Xbox 360 Publisher: Microsoft Developer: Bungie ESRB Rating: "M" for Mature Genre: First-Person-Shooter Pros: Very solid single-player; online multiplayer is a blast; the Forge editor tool is absolutely amazing; present...
Abstract: Reviewing a game of this scale and magnitude can be a tricky affair: What do I leave in? What do I take out? How can I say something about a game that hasn’t already been said by all and sundry? Anyway, that’s not your problem, it’s mine...
Halo 3 is as complete a game as we've ever played, and it feels good to finally get a sense of closure from the Halo series. It's going to be really exciting to see all of the coverage over the next couple months for Halo 3, and even more exciting to ...
Perfectly paced gameplay, Great replay value, Vehicles own, Enemy AI is nice
Short campaign, Visuals arent great, Friendly AI sucks
We had a chance to visit Microsoft’s office and get our hands on their latest offering, Halo 3, a day before the game’s official launch. Unfortunately we couldn’t indulge in multiplayer bouts, but here’s a review of the sing...
Abstract: If I may beat a cliché firmly into the dirt just a few inches deeper, Halo 3 is a game that needs no introduction. I mean that literally. If you’re not decked out in your homemade MJOLNIR armor lovingly crafted out of discarded cans of Mountain Dew yo...
Abstract: Cam: Expectation can be a cruel mistress, Mr Bennett. You think shes going to swoop down and lavish you with affection - fanning your brow to stave off the parching heat of boredom, stuffing the succulent grapes of pure flavour down your throat, while...