Abstract: 343 Industries är den nya utvecklaren bakom Halo-serien och tjuvstartade förra året med sitt Halo: Combat Evolved, som kom med uppdaterad grafik och några multiplayerkartor lagom till tioårsjubileumet. Med Halo 4 startar 343 Industries en helt ny resa ...
Abstract: Erst Ende letzten Jahres frohlockten „Halo“-Fans weltweit, als im November ein Remake des allersten „Halo“-Titels veröffentlicht wurde, um den optisch schon leicht angestaubten Titel neues Leben einzuhauchen. Fast genau ein Jahr später wird nun der vie...
Great storyline with epic sci-fi feel, Superb visuals that stretch the 360 to its limits, Compelling and unpredictable action, Awesome multiplayer modes
Plays things relatively safe
By any yardstick, this is a fantastic return for the Master Chief, and proof that the spirit of Halo didn't die when Bungie left the building. Halo 4 is a visually dazzling, consistently thrilling sci-fi shooter, and while it doesn't do anything at all re...
Covenant getting boring, Still little weapon variety
This is tough, because Halo 4 epitomises some of the things that plague the games industry today. While there are tweaks, and good ones at that, this isn't the reinvention that many were hoping for, and 343i could be accused of a lack of ingenuity. At the...