Pretty much everyone agrees that Haze sounded like an intriguing idea on paper (our past preview coverage was quite positive), but the execution leaves a lot to be desired in almost every respect.Developer Free Radical has set two diverse factions agai...
Some utterly fantastic and thrilling setpiece battles, Coop support for up to four players makes the campaign more entertaining, Most of the weapons feel right and are fun to shoot.
Abysmal storytelling and voice acting squander the interesting premise, Stupid artificial "intelligence", Multiplayer is uninspiring and unbalanced.
This madly inconsistent shooter offsets a number of thrilling moments with terrible artificial intelligence and an awful story. ...
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Published: 2008-05-20, Author: Kevin , review by:
Abstract: If you played any given 10-minute chunk of Haze, depending on what part of this futuristic first-person shooter you chose, you would be convinced that it was either incredibly exciting or simply dreadful. Dim-witted artificial intelligence and deeply e...
Abstract: I en nära framtid ges soldater droger för att döda mer effektivt. I en ännu närmre nutid har Elfving hällt i sig litervis med kaffe och spelat genom Haze för en dödligt läsvärd recension...
Abstract: Haze was first announced at E3 back in 2006, and it was originally supposed to come out on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC in Summer 2007. Ubisoft’s Haze will now see a release as a PS3 exclusive about a year after it was supposed to, but developer Free R...
Abstract: Anyone who has played Free Radicals previous games cant help but be excited about the announcement of their first next generation title. The team initially started as a handful of refugees from the GoldenEye 64 development and quickly made a name for...
Abstract: I Timesplittersskaparna Free Radicals framtidsvision Haze används droger för att förbättra soldaters prestation på slagfältet. Nectar heter substansen, som stärker privatarmén Mantels trupper i kampen mot en grupp rebeller. Den dövar soldaternas samvet...