Abstract: Homefront is one of the most hyped games of the year; at least when it comes to press events and pre-release coverage, but where are all the ads? It’s been a few days since the game hit stores and I have yet to see a single commercial, and that’s a sha...
Gamplay is good, the combat works, plenty of weapon choices, fun large-scale multiplayer
Feels like you're playing a propaganda campaign, single player woefully short, helicopter level is poor, graphics questionable especially the character models
There’s no getting past the shortness of the campaign, the sledgehammer approach to storytelling or the unpolished graphics, and while the multiplayer options are much better, they’re not quite good enough to make it a serious rival to Black Ops or Bat...
Abstract: Utvecklarna bakom Frontlines: Fuel of War målar upp en dyster och ytterst våldsam framtid där Korea invaderat USA och slagit ut den amerikanska militären. Petter Hegevall har satt betyg på Homefront
Abstract: I've been excited for Homefront for a long time. Ever since it was revealed at E3 2009, I've been cheerleading pretty hard for this game. With a story penned by none other than the man behind Red Dawn, Homefront offered a truly visceral take on a specu...
Abstract: My main "like" for Homefront is that it sets up a definite story arc right from the opening chapter and runs it through to the logical end point. "Logical" being relative in this instance because Homefront piles on so many "What if...?" sce...
Abstract: One of the things we like to do at Gaming Nexus every year is to crank out a list of the top games that we are each looking forward in the coming year. It’s one of those things that falls into the category of easy game journalism as it’s something that...
Oha, amerikanische Propaganda in ein Spiel gepresst, wir verteidigen die USA. Muss das wirklich sein? Vielleicht würde das funktionieren, wenn die Geschichte etwas besser wäre, wenn nicht alles so grausam konstruiert und sinnlos zusammengeschustert wär...
Very strong campaign packed with powerful imagery and atmosphere; diverse gameplay opportunities amidst the campaign; engaging tweaks on standard multiplayer conventions.
Abrupt conclusion and brief length keep campaign from true excellence; multiplayer options a bit thin compared to competition; occasional visual glitches can be distracting.
Grafik nicht aktuell, Szenen teils übertrieben brutal, Fehlerhafte Triggerpunkte
Endlich. Für mich ist „“ die Shooter-Überraschung der letzten Jahre. Ein ganz eigenständiges Szenario, mit Bezügen an reale politische Gegebenheiten, und der tolle Erzählstil können mich fesseln. Beim wurde ein guter Mix aus der „“- und der „“-Serie u...