The HTC One M8 brings some welcome tweaks to the HTC One M7, with HTC making a deliberate point of showing they've been listening to their customers. From some large improvements to the user interface including tweaks to HTC BlinkFeed, to the addition of ...
Great design, Very sturdy metal chassis, Genial diseño, Chasis de metal muy resistente, Forma ergonómica, Excelentes altavoces, Cámara frontal de alta resolución, Muy buena calidad de señal, Calidad de voz clara, Accesorios muy chulos, Buena pantalla, Gra
de baja resolución, Los efectos de imágen dependen realmente de la foto, La app Zoe está sin acabar, Teclado sobrecargado, Trampas durante las pruebas
Todos los módulos necesarios de comunicación están integrados y funcionan muy bien. La pantalla táctil es muy precisa y chulos accesorios como la cubierta DotView amplían las características.El HTC One M8 es un muy buen smartphone con montones de rend...
360度全景拍摄通过简单的辅助标线和拍摄引导,HTC One M8可以轻松拍摄360度全景照片,对于喜欢出游的驴友来说绝对是最佳选择。HTC One M8 360度全景样张顾名思义,所谓360度全景拍摄就是指把一组环360度的照片通过无缝处理,所拼接成的一张全景图像,相比普通的全景照片,360度全景创造了全新的视角,立足点上升至空中,四周无任何支撑点,能体现出壮观的独特感受。虽然HTC One M8简化了拍摄方式,通过简化的引导即便是手持手机也可以轻松拍摄出360度全景照片,但是在笔者的实际拍摄过程中依旧...
Abstract: The first quarter of 2014 is proving to be an exciting time for smartphone owners, particularly of the Android variety. In fact, we are seeing more than a fair share of high-end smartphones coming from major players like HTC, Samsung and Sony, as well as ...
Abstract: 【机锋评测】HTC新款旗舰HTC One M8近日正式开售,与上一代产品HTC One M7相比,两者有着一脉相承的外观设计和功能设计,只是在硬件配置上更为强悍,堪称当前业内旗舰级产品。那么与前代产品相比M8究竟进行了哪些提升呢?接下来笔者就为大家奉上这两款手机的对比评测。The all new HTC One(M8)和HTC One(M7)参数对比HTC One (M8)首先我们先来了解下HTC One (M8)的基本信息:采用一块5英寸1080P屏幕,像素密度达到440ppi,配备2.3GHz高通骁龙...
The HTC One M8 either came out ahead or tied with the HTC One M7 in every category, but do the M8 camera improvements warrant an upgrade over the M7? No, because the best new feature comes in the new Google Camera app too and it does as good or better t...
Abstract: Chi ha un dispositivo HTC ed è amante del modding saprà che per questo brand le varie community di sviluppatori non deludono mai. La situazione non è differente per il suo nuovo top di gamma l' M8 che già al momento della sua uscita ha attratto i migliori...