Abstract: Updated on 21 April 2014HTC One M8 16 GB variant has been launched in India and goes on sale in first week of May 2014. The HTC One M8 has been priced at Rs. 49,900 in India.EarlierWe got a chance to spend a couple of hours with 2014 HTC One M8 before its...
Material aluminium, Desain keren, Performa mengesankan
Resolusi kamera hanya 4 MP, Hasil foto efek 3D belum memuaskan
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Published: 2014-04-20, Author: Gabriel , review by: phonandroid.com
Parmi les mobiles haut de gamme de ce début d’année 2014, Le HTC One M8 n’a pas été le premier présenté, mais il est bien le premier disponible à la vente. Coupant l’herbe sous le pied de ses concurrents, vous pouvez dès à présent trouver le HTC One M8 chez diffé...
Published: 2014-04-20, Author: Stefan , review by: go2android.de
Es wird ja immer erwartet, dass ein Nachfolger den Vorgänger in fast allen Bereichen toppen soll. Dem HTC One M8 ist das definitiv gelungen, was vor allem bei der Verarbeitung und dem Gehäuse ein verdammt schwieriges Stück Arbeit war. Und doch hat HTC e...
Abstract: Come promesso qualche giorno fa, cominciano i primi test per HTC One M8 . La prima prova è un confronto fra la sua videocamera e quelle di Samsung Galaxy S4 , Note 3 e iPhone 5S .La ripresa è quella che chi mi segue da tempo conosce molto bene. Una serie ...
The One M8 is, in a word, iterative. Rather than redefine, HTC chose to refine. Sometimes that's OK, and I think that for buyers coming up on the 2-year replacement mark, the M8 is a perfectly respectable choice. It has a great display, beautiful looks...
Abstract: Tra gli smartphone più interessanti del momento troviamo senza dubbio i due nuovi top di gamma di HTC e Samsung , rispettivamente One M8 e Galaxy S5 , ai quali spesso troviamo affiancato il Nexus 5 che, per prestazioni si pone sullo stesso piano (ad eccez...
Abstract: 跟HTC One M8已經相處了超過兩週,針對它的拍照功能慢慢的開始上手。這次HTC One M8強打它的拍照體驗,Duo景深相機,今天蛋蛋就要來跟大家分享HTC One M8的拍照跟其他一般手機有什麼不一樣的地方。 首先我個人是特別推薦它的前鏡頭,提升到5百萬畫素,畫素的細膩以及感光程度是我目前用過所有手機裡面最好的 (以下實拍都可按圖看原檔) 再來就是它的廣角,可以輕鬆容進5人以上 若是用橫的拿,蛋蛋最高的紀錄是13個人同時入鏡,mobile01的編輯Ottis大大最高紀錄是同時31人入鏡,太強大了啦...