Abstract: De One M9 voelt nog wat luxer aan dan zijn voorgangers en heeft een paar welkome verbeteringen. Met zijn One-serie weet HTC tot nu toe hoge ogen te gooien op designgebied. Dat is met de nieuwe One M9 niet anders. Het 5 inch-toestel ziet er weer strak uit ...
Abstract: HTC heeft vandaag haar nieuwste topmodel-smartphone aangekondigd, die door het leven zal gaan als de One M9. Gezien de naam is het natuurlijk niet vreemd dat hij uiterlijk veel lijkt op voorgangers M7 en M8. Het scherm is even groot (iets kleiner dan 5 ...
Alguns irão certamente se decepcionar com o HTC One M9. As diferenças no design com relação ao antecessor quase têm de ser procuradas com lente de aumento. Por outro lado, o M8 já possuía um design bem-sucedido, que não deixava lugar para muitas mudanças...
Abstract: ShiftDelete.Net olarak MWC 2015 gelişmelerini canlı anlatımlarımızla sıcağı sıcağına sizlere aktardık. Etkinlikler sonrası şimdi de Samsung ve HTC 'nin yeni amiral gemisi modellerini karşı karşıya getiriyoruz.İlk önce merakla beklenen modellerin ön incele...
HTC One M9 improves on its predecessor, but doesn't ambitiously improve over its predecessor. HTC is using almost the same design for the third time and it will be a big deal if it manages to impress consumers this time as well. Like all flagship phones, ...
Abstract: Just as expected, the day before the official start of the MWC 2015 is shaping up to be pretty eventful. Just as scheduled, HTC held it press event in Barcelona and it brought us the company's flagship - the HTC One M9.And before you hit the comment secti...
Abstract: Days leading up to HTC's Utopia in Progress event in Barcelona saw rumor mills working overtime with specifications and images of their new flagship smartphone leaked over the Internet. So it wasn't so much of a surprise when HTC showed us its latest smar...
Abstract: 萬人矚目,HTC One全新年度旗艦機終於誕生了,蛋蛋有幸第一手快速把玩了一下,簡單的跟大家分享動手玩的心得。這次HTC One M9推出4個顏色,金,銀,鐵灰,粉紅,正面外觀的變化不大,從正面第一眼要認出HTC One M9跟M8的差異坦白說,不容易。但是實際上HTC One M9在看不到的地方又再上一層樓,像是本來就廣受好評的HTC BoomSound首次搭載Dolby杜比音效(以下照片為縮圖,大家可以點圖片查看原圖檔大小)這次HTC One M9有一點非常值得肯定的是在內嵌式按鍵終於做了大幅度的自由...