Abstract: En el día de hoy os mostraremos un vídeo de unos 9 minutos con el unboxing , pues hemos decidido separarlo del resto de experiencias ya que de por sí solo tiene bastante jugo, pues las HTC Vive vienen acompañadas de un sinfín de accesorios que iremos vien...
Abstract: Enfin ça y est ! Après quelques longues semaines d'attente et une addition bien salée, nous avons eu l'occasion de poser nos mains pleines de doigts sur le périphérique que l'on appelle déjà « la Rolls-Royce de la VR ». Avec un prix sensiblement plus élev...
Published: 2016-05-19, Author: Eric , review by: gamingtrend.com
Room-scale VR, Open-source market, Excellent headset and controllers, Nice quality-of-life features
Demanding on real estate, Currently lacking in replayable experiences
The HTC Vive offers an experience unlike any other, at the price of your real estate and patience. Though lacking in meaningful experiences now, the tools are in the right place. As far as early adopter tech goes, this is certainly the headset for a VR en...
HTC Vive на данный момент — пожалуй, самый продвинутый шлем виртуальной реальности, позволяющий получить максимально полное представление о возможностях и перспективах VR. Правда, мы не видели последнюю версию Oculus Rift, но продажи коммерческой версии н...
Abstract: Our HTC Vive just showed up and yeah… it's freaking awesome… But should you get one?Silverstone cables: Amazon link: offer code LinusTT1 at checkout to get $2 off for each cable you order!Intel link: & discussion: us: our community forum: Screen Music Cre...
Abstract: 다나와에서 만나본 OCULUS RIFT와 HTC VIVE 삼성의 기어VR과 LG의 VR360 등 모바일 디바이스를 활용한 VR이 대중화되고 있습니다. 제가 처음에 기어VR을 사용해보고 엄청 놀랐던 기억이 있는데요 얼마 전 제가 체험해본 본 VR은 모바일과 비교하는 것 자체가 말이 안 된다고 느껴질 만큼 대단했습니다. 다나와 본사 사무실에 마련된 VR 체험공간에서 오큘러스의 리프트와 HTC의 VIVE를 체험해봤는데요 VR의 느낌과 스케일에 놀랄...
Abstract: Endlich sind sie da: die Consumer-High-End-Brillen für die virtuelle Realität. Nachdem man mit Smartphone-Gestellen wie der Durovis Dive, Samsung Gear VR und Google Cardboard sowie Entwickler-Versionen der Oculus Rift bereits virtuelle Morgenluft schnupp...