Well made design, Feels premium in-hand, Solid array of specs, Great all-round camera
Benchmarks a bit low
Getting your hands on a Nova will cost R6 999, as recommended by Huawei. At that price it is a solid R1k to R2k less than most of the premium mid-range phones it's going up against. When it comes to a competitive market like that, it's a decided advantage...
dalle Full HD lumineuse, construction de haute qualité, port USB TypeC, scanner d'empreintes digitales, appareil photo correct, longue autonomie de batterie
pas de stabilisation optique de l'image, WiFi à 2,4GHz uniquement, dual SIM hybride, pas de support App2SD
Abstract: Jeszcze kilka lat temu Huawei nova, ze swoim 5-calowym ekranem, nie byłaby uważana za wyjątkowy sprzęt, a przez niektórych mogłaby nawet zostać uznana za zbyt dużą. Teraz smartfony średniej i wyższej klasy z 4-5 calowymi ekranami robią właściwie tylko App...
Huawei Nova riesce bene a svolgere il compito per cui è stato creato: offrire un'estetica premium in una fascia di prezzo più bassa rispetto ai top di gamma, senza però rinunciare alla fluidità di utilizzo. Il prezzo proposto all'uscita, di 399€, ha frena...
Published: 2017-01-18, Author: Michal , review by: touchit.sk
kvalita spracovania, snímač odtlačkov, fotografovanie a 4K video, rýchlosť systému, rýchle nabíjanie cez USB-C,
pomalšie zaostrovanie fotoaparátu,
Huawei Nova je vyššia stredná trieda a na výbave je to poznať. Nová séria telefónu je nielen bezchybne spracovaná, ale má všetko, čo potrebujete od moderného smartfónu. Je to rýchly telefón so snímačom odtlačkov a dobrým fotoaparátom, vrátane predného na...
Very expensive, camera needs work, Processor underpowered
The Nova is one of the most elegantly designed phones in the market today, with tiny bezels and a very palm-friendly 5-inch screen size.However, it is also incredibly expensive and lacking in processing power and camera smarts. For around the same price y...