Compact, attractive body, Large, beautiful screen, Great pictures from the dual-lens camera, Latest software with Google Assistant, IP68 water resistant
Audio can't match the visuals, All models need Quad DAC, wireless charging, and more storage
Yes. The G6 is not only the first major flagship smartphone out in 2017 that we really adore, but it's also a return to what makes us love LG phones — subtle yet beautiful design, a brilliant standout feature, and a cracking camera. The software is good...
Abstract: LG G6 아이스플래티넘 개봉기,새로워진 디자인의 LG G6 첫만남!LG G6 아이스플래티넘 제품은 G6 사전체험단 활동을 통해 만나게 되었습니다. LG G6 사전체험단 접수 사실을 기사를 통해 접하고 인스타그램 부문으로 지원을 하였는데, 생각지도 않게 선정이 되었습니다. 그래서 디지털자키닷컴을 통해서도 G6 아이스플래티넘 리뷰를 작성할 수 있게 되었습니다. 직장 생활로 인해 간간히 작성하는 리뷰를 새로운 스마트폰 제품을 대상으로 하게되어 매우 기쁜 마...
Abstract: 오늘 저와 살펴볼 제품은, 지난 10일에 출시된 LG G6입니다. 이 제품은 LG전자의 상반기 플래그십 스마트폰으인데요. 타사 제품들과는 다른 몇가지 특징들을 갖고 있는데요.18대9 화면비를 가진 풀비전 디스플레이, 돌비 비전, HDR10의 표준 규격 HDR 지원, 하이파이 QuadDAC 정도입니다.그래서 금번 포스팅에서는 그런 요소들을 중심으로 포스팅을 풀어나가고자 합니다.- 출처: 올레샵 -LG G6의 주요 스펙입니다. 스냅드래곤 821를 프로세서...
Abstract: El diseño de los smartphones no es tan interesante como solía ser. La mayoría de los teléfonos de… Seguir leyendo Seguir leyendoMe alegró que LG nos enviara un G6 negro. Puestos a reducir aún más los marcos, que la pantalla se funda por completo c...
Abstract: Let's make this clear right away: the LG G6 is a great phone. It feels very comfortable in your hands, and the camera is amazing. Not to say that it doesn't have it's shortcomings, but for LG, this is a great leap forward over the previous iteration.I'm M...
Cutting corners usually has bad implications. But hey, we'd take the G6's chamfered display corners any day if they make the phone that extra bit more likely to live through a drop out of our clumsy hands. Because that display is one true gem, and we'd li...
Construcción fantástica en el mejor diseño, La nueva proporción de pantalla ha llegado al mercado para quedarse, Las cámaras igualan sus calidades, el angular es muy divertido, Resistencia IP68
Ni carga inalámbrica ni DAC para Europa, Puede que los 32GB se queden cortos, hay ranura microSD, Snapdragon 821 es un hardware de 2016, que no lo cobren como 2017, Echo en falta más "fotografía computacional" en la propuesta
Si estabas esperando que alguien hiciera un teléfono compacto con pantalla espectacular, LG G6 es la mejor opciónLos coreanos dejan a un lado los experimentos que intenta cada año para sacar la cabeza en un mercado demasiado competido, en el que nunca han...
Easier to use with one hand, An elegant, visually appealing phone, Dustand waterresistant, Upgraded wideangle camera, Wireless charging, Battery life seems better (to be confirmed by further testing), Greater screen area, Secondary display could be useful
Given the points that I laid out throughout this comparison, I know that picking between the LG G6 and the LG V20 can be a tough choice. Both are premium, high-end phones that have a lot to offer. The situation on pricing doesn't make choosing any easier...
Close calls must be made. The G6's screen is stunning, and the extra height but manageable width make it an intriguing choice. But the OnePlus 3T's fast charging edges it, as does its fingerprint free design for some.Both phones have the same processor, a...