Abstract: 차별화로 승부한다! LG G5 살펴보기LG전자에게 있어 2015년은 스마트폰 시장에서 암흑기나 다름이 없었던 한해가 아니었나 생각됩니다.작년 G플렉스2와 G4의 연이은 실패와 중국 스마트폰 제조사의 글로벌 및 국내 스마트폰 시장의 약진 등은 어떻게 보면 LG전자에게 약이 된게 아닐까 생각됩니다.2016년 LG전자의 선택은 바로 세계 최초 모듈 디자인입니다. LG전자의 G5는 하단 부분을 서랍처럼 분리하고 카메라/오디오 등 주변기기를 바꿔가며 장착해 사...
The LG G5 is a really good phone, overall, just not the best phone at the moment. LG is introducing some interesting ideas with it, like modules and dual cameras, but the module status at the moment is pretty weak and uninteresting, while the dual came...
Cool modular design, Great wide-angle camera, Solid performance
Bland look, Below-average battery life, Heavy-handed software interface
I love that LG is trying to change things up with the G5's modularity, but overall the feature feels rushed. When unveiling the phone in February, LG touted a Hi-Fi module that was supposed to improve the phone's audio output, but the accessory in questio...
Abstract: 세계 최초의 모듈타입 스마트폰 G5에 대해 몇 가지 궁금증을 풀어보죠. 최초라 많은 관심과 함께 G5뿐 아니라 프렌즈들까지 함께 출현해 처음 접하는 이 방식에 대해 관심 있으신 분들은 궁금증이 많이 생겼을거라 생각합니다.배터리 모듈의 분리.측면의 버튼을 누르고 살짝 힘을 주고 하단을 당기면 저렇게 모듈이 배터리와 함께 쓱 하고 빠집니다.단 배터리가 빠지면서 전원은 꺼집니다. 전원이 꺼지지 않는다는 이야기가 돌던데 배터리가 빠지면 전원은 분명히 꺼집니다...
Replaceable battery, wideangle camera, useful camera modes, flexible home buttons
Fit and finish isn't up to similarly priced phones, not water resistant, screen technology not as good as others in its class
No-contract pricing of the G5 will vary depending on carrier. AT&T charges $689; T-Mobile, $630; Verizon, $624 and Sprint, $576. This is roughly what you'd expect to pay for a top-tier phone. Various contract pricings will also be available, depending on...
Speedy processor, Wide-angle camera mode and manual controls, Removable battery, Unique accessories
iderable carrier bloatware
The LG G5 for AT&T is a powerful smartphone with a semi-modular build, making it a unique alternative to more typical flagship handsets. But heavy software changes won't please Android purists...
Fantastic new design, Modular build brings lots of possibilities, Great display, Battery life is phenomenal, APT-X HD for 24-bit Bluetooth audio, Snapdragon 820 is ultra fast, Video is among the best on the market, Wide-angle lens makes for some really in
LG's UX 5.0 is as convoluted as ever, Carrier-exclusive band support rather than an International phone, Camera software is confusing, Photo quality is mediocre at best most of the time, Hi-Fi DAC from the V10 was obviously removed to sell the new Hi-Fi m
I went into this experience with high hopes and with fantastic first impressions. LG's presentation on all fronts is flashy, fluid and attractive to say the least. They've built this one up as something to break new ground, and in many ways, they've de...
No-contract pricing of the G5 will vary depending on carrier. AT&T charges $689; T-Mobile, $630; Verizon, $624 and Sprint, $576. This is roughly what you'd expect to pay for a top-tier phone. Various contract pricings will also be available, depending...