Abstract: Logitech MX 518 Gaming-Grade Optical Mouse I got the new Logitech MX 518 Gaming-Grade Optical Mouse a week or two ago, and have been using it in order to get a good feel for it. I’m a pretty picky hardware person ESPECIALLY with mice. I refuse to us...
Abstract: So what makes a gaming mouse different than a regular mouse? Well, for starters, for the most hardcore gamers, nothing beats a wired rat for responsiveness. But is there more? We attempt to find out with Logitechs MX518!
Abstract: a mouse designed specifically for gamers: In the past weve experienced bad mice, and we hated those mices to pieces. Theres nothing worse than an uncomfortable, cheap mouse, and considering how much you use this long-tailed peripheral its worth splashing...
Abstract: This variable-sensitivity gaming mouse will tickle your fancy Using a hyper-sensitive gaming mouse can be both a blessing and a curse. Sure, having lightning-quick turn speed and pixel-perfect accuracy are great in a hot-‘n’-heavy deathmatch, but when ...
At last, a gaming mouse that I can use. The size is perfect, the performance is exemplary and the software simple and effective. The Logitech MX518 is the best mouse that I've ever got my paws on....
Abstract: Avec la MX518, Logitech espère enfin satisfaire les joueurs. Mission en partie réussie pour cette souris optique qui ne convient qu’aux droitiers.
Boutons et pour ajuster la vitesse du capteur, Très bonne glisse, souris légère (106 g), Pilote simple, nombreuses options, Boutons avance, recule, changement d'application, Très précise
Pour droitiers, Pas de molette latérale
Son option d'ajustement instantané de la vitesse du curseur fait toute la différence : elle est excellente !...
Abstract: The biggest selling points of this mouse are the 1600dpi and its ?in game dpi sensitivity switching.? In absolute simplest laymen?s terms it means there are buttons on the mouse that make the cursor move faster and slower. The higher the DPI, the faste...
Genialt med dpiskifte fra musen, Fint utseende, Presis, Ergonomisk
Bare ett sett med driverinnstillinger for alle spill, Driver kun for Windows XP, Kun for høyrehendte
Innledningsvis spurte vi om det gikk an å lage en perfekt spillmus. Svaret gir seg egentlig selv, nei, det går egentlig ikke an. Med MX518 er det også en del som kunne vært bedre på driversiden, og knappeløsningen er heller ikke optimal. I tillegg kom...