Minigames make great use of the Wii Remote; a blast to play with 3 other friends; creative and nice looking game boards with unique ways to get stars on each one.
Many minigames feel like rehashes of old Mario Party minigames with Wii controls tacked on; no online support; while the graphics are improved over MP7, MP8 still looks like an average GameCube game; lame single player mode that you’re forced to pla...
Bottom line is that if you love Mario Party, you’ll still love Mario Party 8. If you don’t love the Mario Party games, this one isn’t going to do anything that will change your mind, even with the Wii controls. Personally, I love Mario P...
Abstract: Name: Mario Party 8 Genre: Party System: Nintendo WiiEveryone loves parties and for nearly ten years Nintendo has been taking advantage of that with the Mario Party series. Each game has added slightly more to give players an excuse to look like an idi...
Abstract: Bored game. In its eighth console iteration over as many years, a new Mario Party is almost as certain as a new Madden title. Yet in those eight years, I’ve somehow managed to avoid the series until now. I thought I’d look back to see what thi...
Abstract: two years shy of a decade ago - and like clockwork the Big N has released a new entry into the series every year since, each sporting the same fundamentals with new virtual boards and mini-games. Clearly this copy and paste approach to the series is en...
Abstract: If you�ve read my reviews over the years you�ll know that I haven�t been the biggest fan of the Mario Party series. Released on almost a yearly basis, the Mario Party games have seen little innovation until now. Utilizing the Wii�s motion-sensing remot...
Abstract: We all knew when the Wii launched that it would be a strong first-party system. The third-party stuff, while interesting, hasnt exactly set the world on fire and Wii owners have been waiting patiently--or not so patiently--for Nintendo to throw open t...
Abstract: For those who experienced the original Mario Party on the Nintendo 64, it is likely to be a videogaming experience that they will never forget. Not for the hours of multiplayer fun or for Warios bizarre Oh, I missed! whining after a defeat, but more...
Abstract: Wii-ägarna skriker efter fler intressanta spel till sin konsol och serveras Mario Party 8 - ännu en del i en av de absolut mest förutsägbara spelserier som finns. Ni som hoppas på stora utvecklingssteg framåt på grund av Wiikontrollen bör sänka e...