Abstract: Mass Effect er BioWare's nyeste rollespil til Xbox 360. Ambitionerne har, ligesom forventningerne, været skyhøje. Vi tager et nærmere kig på den nyfødte stjerne.Knap to hundrede år ud i fremtiden har mennesket fået adgang til at rejse frit i rummet, o...
Many games are described as space epics, but Mass Effect really does live up to that moniker. The visuals and conversation system are groundbreaking, and I defy anyone not to be impressed when they see this game running for the first time. It's a shame th...
Abstract: I motsats till vad man annars lätt kan tro behöver rollspel varken vara synonymt med alver, orcher eller magi - något som BioWare visar med ena handen stadigt vilande på laserpistolshölstret. Jag står framför Rådets tre medlemmar. Alla är humanoider, m...
Abstract: Bakom Mass Effect står Bioware som är mest kända för att de tidigare har gjort de populära rollspelen i serien KOTOR, Knights of the old republic. Denna gång har man däremot inte Star wars att luta sig mot utan måste stå på egna ben. Mass effect utsp...
Superb art direction; interesting role playing choices; straightforward combat system.
Be prepared for lots and lots of exposition.
Mass Effect is the second role playing game from Bioware based on an internally developed world. Following in Jade Empires footsteps, which was on original Xbox game, Mass Effect offers an easy to grasp combat system that offers tactical flexibility. ...
Abstract: Quick HitsTitle: Mass Effect Platform:Xbox 360 Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios Developer: BioWare ESRB Rating: “M” for Mature Genre: Action RPG Pros: Great graphics and sound; good replay value; good story Cons: Combat is only average; bugs...
Abstract: Every so often a games developer will pitch an idea and then throw some teasing scraps to the gaming community about a project we can all get tingly about. Therein lies the greatest danger, no it’s not some galactic invasion fleet or some deadly uns...
Stort, flott univers
God historie
Dybde, moralske valg
Flott musikk og grafikk
Mange tekniske problemer
Kampsystemet involverer ikke så mye
En del generiske omgivelser
For oss har Mass Effect vært et av de definitivt mest etterlengtede Xbox 360-spillene. Kan kombinasjonen av ordentlig, seriøs science fiction, solid rollespilling og avansert teknologi noensinne slå feil? Dette må vel være det perfekte spillet? Vel...
The game features an absorbing story that is expertly told; there is a tremendous amount of depth to the game, from the character customisation options to the world at large; the overall presentation is also fantastic with pleasing visuals, a vibrant g...
The enemy and ally A.I. is surprisingly dim; having to use the Back button to throw grenades sucks; the elevator rides are also ridiculously long The Final Word If you are an RPG fan, you should definitely give this game a look; it is good enough that ...
If you are an RPG fan, you should definitely give this game a look; it is good enough that youll find yourself disappearing deeper into Mass Effect each time you play and demanding the inevitable sequel long before its due.