Abstract: ( Editor's Note: Starting with this review of the Nikon D850, all our future lab tests are based on test data and comments supplied by Image Engineering, Shutterbug 's new TIPA-affiliated testing lab. Known worldwide as a leader in the development of adva...
Abstract: 经过两个月的激烈角逐,2017年中关村在线年度卓越产品终于正式揭晓。在 数码相机 产线中,共有三款产品荣获年度卓越产品大奖。分别是 尼康D850 荣获年度卓越单反相机,佳能G1 X Mark III荣获年度卓越卡片相机,佳能EF85mm f/1.4L IS USM荣获年度卓越镜头。尼康D850荣获年度卓越单反相机尼康D850是尼康百周年之际发布的准专业级单反相机,机身采用了全新设计的4575万像素全画幅传感器,具备尼康旗舰级别的153点对焦系统,最高连拍速度可达9fps,是传统高像素相机迈向高速时代的全新...
Abstract: Another year has come and gone, which means it's time for Shutterbug to once again pick our favorite cameras and lenses of the past 12 months. With so much great photo gear to choose from in 2017, it was a difficult task. The below list though is a good s...
Abstract: Another year has come and gone, which means it's time for Shutterbug to once again pick our favorite cameras and lenses of the past 12 months. With so much great photo gear to choose from in 2017, it was a difficult task. The below list though is a good s...