Abstract: 4년마다 개최되는 올림픽은 지구상에서 열리는 스포츠 이벤트 중 참가국 규모와 경기 종목에서 단연 최고의 자리를 차지하고 있다. 따라서 올림픽 경기 정상의 자리는 그 무엇과도 바꾸기 힘든 영광이며, 월계관으로 상징되는 명예를 얻기 위해 수많은 사람들이 오늘도 땀방울을 흘리고 있다.이처럼 여기에 참가하는 운동 선수들이야 두말할 필요 없이 '올림픽'이란 세 글자가 크나 큰 의미를 갖겠지만, 올림픽이 지니는 상징성은 비단 운동 선수들에만 국한되는 것은 아니다....
Abstract: The Nikon D4 is the camera that Nikon is hoping will be the camera of choice for professional sports photographers and photo journalists shooting the Olympic Games in London this summer.Consequently, it is designed as an all-purpose, go anywhere, shoot an...
Great AF system, Noise control, Huge ISO range, Ergonomic body
Complex AF system, AF points clustered, Some movement in card bay
The design changes made since the D3s make a significant and positive impact on the handling of the Nikon D4. Those upgrading may find it takes a while to get used to using the mini-joystick controllers to set the AF point, but they make it quicker and e...
Great AF system, Noise control, Huge ISO range, Ergonomic body
Complex AF system, AF points clustered, Some movement in card bay
Nikon has succeeded in building upon the D3s to produce a versatile camera that is suitable for use by professional photographers in a wide range of situations. The Nikon D4 may not have the highest resolution, but it has lightening-quick responses, a fan...
Abstract: We lieten je al een reeks statische testfoto's zien waarin we de ruisprestaties van de Nikon D4 onder de loep nemen. Uiteraard zijn we ook in de praktijk aan de slag gegaan met de D4. We schotelen je alvast een serie testfoto's voor. Helaas geen Ajax-Fey...
Abstract: Om de Nikon D800 en de D4 eerlijk te kunnen vergelijken, hebben we de foto's van de D800 verkleind naar de resolutie van de D4. Van 7360 pixels in de breedte naar 4928 pixels, een behoorlijk verschil dus. Voor de vergelijking hebben we de foto's uit beide...