Jogo tem conteúdo para uma vida inteira, "Zilhões" de planetas e espécies de fauna e flora para descobrir, Sistema de criação e gerenciamento intuitivos e fáceis de domar, Geração procedural de conteúdo garante belas paisagens
Congelamentos frequentes atrapalham a experiência, Mecânica extremamente dependente de gerenciamento de inventários, Jogador é escravizado com coleta constante dos mesmos recursos sempre, Algumas espécies de animais e plantas são muito genéricos, Quedas d
"No Man's Sky" é uma experiência recomendada para quem gosta de observar e explorar tudo com muita calma, criando e testando combinações de itens e gerenciando inventários a todo momento. A geração procedural de conteúdo garante paisagens bem diversificad...
Abstract: Det har varit omtalat och hypats ända sedan PS4:an avslöjades 2013. Tre år senare är det upp till bevis för No Man's Sky, det hittills näst bäst säljande spelet i PS4:ans historia. Vi tar reda på svaret till frågan - hur roligt kan ett spel utan story oc...
Published: 2016-08-16, Author: Ben , review by:
Abstract: “It's complicated.”For the past week, that's been my boilerplate response to friends asking if No Man's Sky, the highly anticipated space exploration game from Sony and indie developer Hello Games, is worth playing.Because trying to sum up the biggest vid...
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Published: 2016-08-16, Author: أحمد , review by:
هل يعني هذا أن اللعبة سيئة ؟ لا ولكنها لم ترتقي الى منتصف التوقعات التي كانت منتظرة منها ، هذه لعبة موجهة لمن لديه الصبر ليقوم بالكثير من الـ Minning والـ Farmming حتى يحصل على موارد واموال أكثر تمكنه من القيام بالمزيد منهما ، الإستوديو إهتم بتوسيع عالم ا...
Limitless hours of gameplay, Very nice gameplay, Aerial combat with ships, Sounds blend into the atmosphere of the game;
Poorly optimized;
Did No Man's Sky live up to its hype? Definitely not but this is my personal opinion. It could've been a lot better, while the lack of multiplayer still bother me, but overall I enjoyed it, even with its lacks and bad performance on a decent configuration...
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Published: 2016-08-16, Author: Marcus , review by:
Fritt fram att utforska, Beroendeframkallande upplägg, Den "slumpade" terrängen funkar
No Man's Sky is a better technical demo than it is a full priced game. A randomly generated universe sounds like an impressive concept, but the underlying variety and most of the gameplay design could have used more depth...
Abstract: Continua la nostra avventura nei cieli di No Man's Sky. Dopo il primo appuntamento in cui ci siamo trovati a dover riparare la nostra navicella e finalmente lasciare il pianeta di partenza, ci siamo ritrovati a raccogliere un segnale da una torre radio su...