Testseek.com have collected 589 expert reviews of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 8GB GDDR6 PCIe and the average rating is 85%. Scroll down and see all reviews for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 8GB GDDR6 PCIe.
May 2019
589 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Devindra Hardawar/EngadgetIt's too early to tell if NVIDIA's RTX 2080 Ti and 2080 will really change world of gaming and make Ray Tracing ubiquitous. But they're still impressive as upgrades over the previous generation, especially if you've been salivati...
Abstract: Keeping their tradition alive of launching a new graphics architecture every two years, this year, NVIDIA announced the Turing GPU. Primarily aimed at the consumer sector which includes both Quadro and GeForce segments, the Turing GPU is a big departure f...
Published: 2018-09-19, Author: Jeff , review by: venturebeat.com
The RTX launch is a mess, but you wanna know a secret? I love it. The 2080 and 2080 Ti are powerful cards. If you want a GPU that can pull off 144hz with mostly high settings, both of these are great options. If you need something to do 4K on high, that 2...
With the RTX series, NVIDIA is trying to push the gaming industry towards an evolution that may lead to the titles we play taking one more step towards lifelike realism. Theyre trying to sell an idea above all else and that means putting forward cutting...
Published: 2018-09-19, Author: Paolo , review by: hwupgrade.it
Nel corso della presentazione ufficiale, avvenuta alcune settimane fa al Gamescom di Colonia, NVIDIA ha puntato l'attenzione sul supporto alle tecniche di Ray Tracing implementato via hardware nelle GPU della famiglia Turing. Capaci, in questo modo, di ef...
Het is alweer ruim twee jaar geleden dat Nvidia de 10-serie videokaarten introduceerde. Sindsdien was de videokaartenmarkt spraakmakend, maar niet om redenen die we graag zien, zoals spectaculaire toenames in prestaties of snelle ingebruikname van de low-...