Can add a good deal of functionality to about any PC, Control up to 5 fans, Monitor up to 5 temperatures, Looks great, Low cost
Manual isn't very useful, Cable management could take some time
I have always been impressed with the ingenuity and elegance behind NZXT products, and the Sentry 2 fan control panel does not disappoint. With such a simple design, and an equally simple user interface, the Sentry 2 can add much needed functionality ...
Fan controllers are a godsend in these days of high heat hardware and multiple cooling fans. They allow us to have the perfect blend between cooling performance and noise, whilst still providing the ability to move towards either end of the quiet/perform...
Simple packaging and quality material provide for easy unpacking and installation. The controller is well protected to ensure that it looks its best when installed. The five fan capacity is a definate plus, with most controllers having only capacity fo...
Flat bezel with no protruding elements, [] Great value, [] Manual and automatic fan control modes, [] Minimal use of packing material, [] Responsive and intuitive interface, [] Sleek and modern design, [] Support for five fans with temperature diodes and...
Absence of a manual on how to operate the device in packaging, [] Inability to configure fan speed between 0 to 40%, [] No fan RPM readings, [] Single large and nonstandard connector for power cables
In all, the NZXT Sentry 2 packs a decent amount of features that make it a good fan controller: support for five case fans, 10W per channel, five temperature diodes, manual and automatic control modes, and an alarm.Nevertheless, the major feature that...
I tested the NZXT Sentry 2 with a load of five fans. Three were 120mm NZXT and the other two were power hungry 120mm apevias. At a full load the Sentry 2 never stumbled. After 4 weeks of using the Sentry 2 I am happy to report that there has not been a...
The Sentry 2 does a fantastic job in half the size and half the price of the Sentry LX and throws in a touch screen for good measure. This fan controller is great for a minimalist feel on any case, with the lack of any visible buttons. The ease of ...
Väl förpackad, bra tillbehör, Responsiv pekskärm, Intuitivt användargränssnitt, Okomplicerad installation,
Klicka på bilderna för större bilder NZXT's Sentry 2 har en responsiv pekskärm och intuitiv användargränssnitt. Det feedback baserade systemet fungerar väl, och det är lätt att använda och få...
Well packed, good accessories, Responsive touchscreen, Intuitive UI, Straightforward installation
No fan RPM display, Unused cables clutter your system
Click thumbnails for large imagesNZXT's Sentry 2 has a responsive touchscreen and intuitive UI. The feedback based system operates well, and it is easy to use and get the hang of. Unfortunately, the display does not display fan RPM, but that's a s...
The NZXT Sentry 2 is the best fan controller on the market today, it’s very easy to use, it’s well made, it looks great and it only takes up on 5.25” bay. Other than the tape issue, I’ve got no other complaints about this product. I actually have two...
Low cost, Looks good, Display can be turned on or off, Can connect up to five fans, Fans can be either 3 pin or Molex,
No four pin connector for PWM fans.
Over all I found that the NZXT Sentry 2 LCD Touch Screen Fan Controller is a good little unit. With the option of connecting up to five fans is that little extra that I found useful while testing some cases especially since most cases lately have one f...