Abstract: N ouvel arrivé au rayon smartphone, le OnePlus One – OPO de son surnom – a fait une entrée pour le moins remarquée sur la toile. Faut dire que ce modèle chinois débarque en fanfare , avec un site soigné façon Apple et une stratégie de communication virale...
Abstract: Um aus dem riesigen Angebot an aktuellen Smartphones genau das richtige für Ihre Ansprüche zu finden, reicht ein Blick in unsere Smartphone-Bestenliste . Egal, ob Sie ein Highend-Smartphone wie das Sony Xperia Z3 , das iPhone 6 oder das Samsung Galaxy Alp...
Abstract: Um aus dem riesigen Angebot an aktuellen Smartphones genau das richtige für Ihre Ansprüche zu finden, reicht ein Blick in unsere Smartphone-Bestenliste . Egal, ob Sie ein Highend-Smartphone wie das Sony Xperia Z3 , das iPhone 6 oder das Samsung Galaxy Alp...
A flagship phone is the culmination of superior technology, design, performance, and user experience. Creating one is no small feat considering the complexity of today's smartphones and requires a significant hardware and software engineering effort. For ...
A flagship phone is the culmination of superior technology, design, performance, and user experience. Creating one is no small feat considering the complexity of today's smartphones and requires a significant hardware and software engineering effort. For ...
Abstract: Ван-ван-ван, ван-ван-ван, ван-ван. С плюсом. Отзыв кота Бублика Сразу скажу - уж меня-то каким-то новым смартфоном удивить довольно трудно. Я, конечно, никак не ведущий мобильный аналитик - у меня нет глубины познаний этого рынка, как, например, у...
The OnePlus One is quite possibly the most interesting phone I've seen in a while, and reviewing this device was extremely difficult due to how frustrating some aspects of the device were. OnePlus itself is a company that seems to come from nowhere, altho...
Abstract: Ker se radi igračkamo z vsemi najnovejšimi tehnološkimi onegajčki smo pred kratkim v svojo ročice pridobili najnovejši telefon OnePlus ONE iz čisto novega podjetja OnePlus.Njihov prvi izdelek navdušuje, saj za svojo ceno ponujajo zelo ugodne zmožnosti.Naj...
The OnePlus One is one of the best Android phones available for its price — if you can get your hands on one. The OnePlus One is dubbed the "flagship killer" — and with tons of premium features for a shockingly low price of $300 unlocked, it ju...
Abstract: Battery life is often a constant pain point for many modern smartphone users. We're not asking to go back to the days of Symbian phones and before. Just one full day with a bit of buffer would be great. However, most of our phones don't even last a day. I...