Abstract: The best local multiplayer gaming experience so far this year, Portal 2 is an affable and humorous puzzle-based game that encourages co-operation, communication and some deft collaboration as you variously breeze, struggle and blunder your way through...
Abstract: Portalerne åbnes til årets muligvis bedste spil.Åh, Valve. Hvis der er et studie, der ikke har glemt, hvad humor er, så er det Valve. Aldrig blege for at afprøve ukendte formler, ofte med stor succes, som da Portal i første omgang udkom med The Orange ...
In an industry where a promise of explosions and/or boobs is enough to secure tens of thousands of pre-orders, the ability to craft a game which can truly floor gamers of all ages and backgrounds is a feat to be recognized and lauded. In the last year...
Abstract: Portal 2 is, in some ways, the raw essence of a game. Its puzzle-solving gameplay manages to be challenging but accessible. Every time you solve a room, you are filled with satisfaction, while at the same time thinking ‘How could I..
Awesome single player mode with challenging puzzles, a fantastic script, optional commentary and lots of hidden secrets. Equally awesome multiplayer mode that can be enjoyed off or online. Valve is promising free DLC in the future. PS3 copy comes with a free Windows/Mac copy of the game. Clear and crisp visuals. Great use of sound effects and the ending songs are awesome.
Split-screen multiplayer can be a bit cramped. A microphone is practically required for some of the puzzles in the multiplayer mode. You can easily clear the single player mode in two days, probably even in under 8 hours.
Portal 2 takes a few sidesteps in the technical and design departments, but those are minor irritation that don’t take away from an otherwise enjoyable experience. But I still hope that this game closes the book on the Portal franchise so that this sh...
Portal 2 hat einen genialen Humor, ein gelungenes (und bewährtes)Spielprinzip, eine Grafik die in Ordnung geht und eine stimmigeAtmosphäre. Der Physikshooter hat zwar nur eine kurze Story - dafür aber einen guten Mehrspieler-Part.Hier wartet eine neue ...
Abstract: IN 2007, the quirky and unforgettable puzzle-based masterpiece Portal packed so many clever ideas into its mere three-hour duration that readers of Fairfax's Screen Play blog recently . A sequel to such a sublime experience seemed an impossible task ...