grandiose Soundkulisse, hervorragende Synchronsprecher, knackige, aber nie unfaire Rätsel, angenehme Lernkurve, massig Witz, Charme und Humor, CrossplattformGaming (PS3 & PC/Mac), grandioser KoopModus mit eigener Story
etwas zu kurz geratene Spielzeit, zwischenzeitlich geht etwas 'Drive' verloren
Vom ersten Moment des Aufwachens in den heruntergekommenen Anlagen von Aperture Science bis zum Aufploppen der Credits am Ende des Spiels entfacht Portal 2 einen derartigen Drive, dass es wirklich schwer fällt, den Controller oder die Maus beiseite zu...
Abstract: One of the most iconic games from the recesses of the Valve studios returns for its sequel. Portal 2 follows up the incredible success of the original that saw gamers embrace a challenge of puzzles, logic and general good fun, all without any, well, tr...
Abstract: Name: Genre: Platform: For those who never played the original Portal, stop reading this, head down to your local used games shop, pick up the game, come back home and pop the disc into your console or PC. It's one of the finest puzzlers ever built an...
Abstract: It’s been a long, long time. Three and a half years after the cult classic forever changed the internet and bred many a meme, Valve Software returns after two years of zombie bashing with science! Literally throwing players into a mix of physics tests,...
The original Portal benefitted from its brevity. It had a concise story paired with inventive first-person puzzle mechanics that challenged you to be creative while pulling the trigger. Portal 2 makes the original look like the prototype it was. It's f...
Abstract: Nei, det er ikke lett å lage en oppfølger til Portal. Ja, Valve har gjort en strålende jobb. Mer av det samme hadde nok aldeles ikke fungert, Portal gjorde egentlig alt det kunne med de verktøyene som var tilgjengelige. Utviklerne har heldigvis forstå...