Abstract: Radical Entertainment fortsätter historien om muterade Alex Mercer, men denna gång får vi axla James Hellers jacka och ränna runt i en härjad stad, med en uppsjö superkrafter. Elfving har satt betyg på Prototype 2
Agressive superpowered combat, Good selection of destructive powers, Makes you feel like a badass
Missions lack variety, Uninspired characters and story, Game world not totally convincing
In many ways Prototype II falls behind the best of its open world superhero rivals, but once it hits full-swing it delivers some of the most intense and satisfying super-powered scraps around. With great power comes not just great responsibility, but real...
Abstract: The last three years haven't been terribly kind to NYZ, as the city's been slowly consumed by the Blacklight virus that was unknowingly unleashed by Alex Mercer when he escaped from a Gentek facility. While the two games in the Prototype series are sep...
Abstract: Prototype 2 ReviewThe original Prototype was an open-world game attempting many things in its annihilated vision of New York, but for most people it has been symbolised by one solitary instance: a hooded man repeatedly launching into flying kicks at he...
Abstract: Prototype 2 is a sequel that does a great job completely one-upping its predecessor and shining a great big spotlight on what was wrong with the original or needed retooling, like the combat, but still extend the fiction of the Prototype ...
fassen: Wer Teil eins gemocht oder wie ich geliebt hat, wird seine heller'sche Freude an Prototype 2 haben. Wer mit dem Brachial-Actionfeuerwerk schon 2009 nix anfangen konnte, dürfte auch heute immer noch die Miene verziehen.Sicher, auch das Sequel i...
Having no impact is kind of the M.O. of Prototype 2. I enjoyed leveling up Heller and completing side quests, but none of it really meant anything to me. Outside of the Achievements I have for my efforts, I doubt I'll remember much of Prototype 2's ste...
Abstract: Last generation, Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy and Second Sight had the ill luck to release at the same time, despite sharing an otherwise unique concept. Games involving psychic powers and telekinesis were few and far between last generation, yet...
Abstract: Im Zuge eines Preview-Events in München präsentierte uns Dave Fracchia, Vize-Präsident des Entwicklers Radical Entertainment, „Prototype 2“ und wir durften im Anschluss auch noch selbst Hand an den Open World-Actionkracher legen. Die ersten Eindrücke f...